Hypokinetic Disease

Our project poster


For our project we had to create a group of four and pick a hypokinetic disease. We choose type 2 diabetes. This was not a hard choice for us because we already new a bit about diabetes. Next we had to research about the disease and write down our ideas. Then we had to create a poster and transfer our research onto the poster. We also had to add some pictures and color on our poster to make it look more professional. We had a week to finish our poster and luckily we got everything we needed on our poster before it was due. Although our group was not very hard-working. It was me and three of my friends so we kinda talked and didn´t do much for our project. Overall we got it done, but not as good as we would of liked.


Hypokinetic Disease- a disease brought on, at least in part, by insufficient movement and exercise. Lack of physical activity is also part of hypokinetic disease. We used this by having our disease based of of a hypokinetic disease which was type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 Diabetes- is a long-term metabolic disorder that is characterized by high blood sugar, insulin resistance, and relative lack of insulin. We used type 2 diabetes because it was what our poster was about. We had to collect a lot of information about it and put it on our poster.

Blood Sugar- the blood sugar level, blood sugar concentration, or blood glucose level is the amount of glucose present in the blood of humans and others. Blood sugar is a huge part about type 2 diabetes because if your blood sugar is not to low or to high it can lead to deaths and serious injuries.

Insulin- a hormone produced in the pancreas by the islets of Langerhans, which regulates the amount of glucose in the blood. This is related to type 2 diabetes because insulin is characterized by type 2 diabetes and is needed to be at a stable rate so you don´t cause harm to your body and blood sugar.


For my reflection two things that I improved on was my character and collaboration. I was respectful to my group mates and I was positive with my comments, and with helping my group mates. I also helped with finding useful information and also helped color pictures on our teams poster. This are two things that I improved on and will look to improve on more as we do more group projects.

Two things that I need to work on is to be more open about learning something new. This goes under conscientious learner out of the 6'c. For me learning about type 2 diabetes was not something fun to learn about so it didn´t really catch my eye. Also my clock management and my groups clock management was horrible because we did waste time playing games on our computers and that is something that we need to work on. But overall these are two things that I know I can work on as we continue to do more group projects.