Extinction Project

Evidence of Work

For this project, we first had to pick a partner and then pick any animal to research on, and do our project on. My partner and I chose to work on the bald eagle. We chose the bald eagle because we didn't know much background about the bald eagle and we also knew there was talk about the eagle possibly nearing extinction. For our research portion, we had 7 questions to answer and we had to answer each question with minimum of 10 sentences. After we finished the research part, we then had to make a creativity portion of our project. We were going to make a podcast but because of the Coronavirus, we made a slideshow with all the information we needed to give.


Extinction - When a species completely dies out at an alarming rate.

Biodiversity - Differing from one another, through traits, qualities, etc.

Species - A group of similar animals who share qualities.

Dependent - Relying on another species for something.

Reproduction - When a species reproduces/has offspring.

All these words were key vocabulary that we needed to know for our project. All these words were used a lot in the research that we were finding, so it was very helpful that we had a clear understanding of all these vocabulary words.


During this project, I had a lot of success with my time-management skills and with continuance learner. I improved my time-management skills by staying on task and focusing on my work. I wasn't distracting myself and wasn't getting distracted by anything. I also improved my continuance learner skills by doing a lot of research and learning a lot about the bald eagle. There were a lot of positives in this project, but there are also things that I can work on to do better. One thing that I can work on is my character and being more respectful. There were a couple times were I was not being a fully positive teammate and not having the best attitude towards my peers. This is mainly because I wanted to get everything done and to stay on task at all times. Another thing that I could work on is my communication because there were times where me and my teammate weren't taking and just listening to music. Instead of listening to music, I should communicate with my teammate and ask questions so we are on the same page at all times. Overall I found this project really fun because I got to learn a lot about the bald and eagle and got to work with one of my really good friends.