Sports project

For me it was very hard making the video of my voice because there was a lot of background noises so it was hard for me to make the video. Will Megan did the story board because we did not know what to say so megan help make the story board

Something that I did well was help with the video and something that learned that you can do physics when you dance. One thing I want to keep working on for the next project is to try to stay more focus with the project and try to help my classmates more. And all the velocity is in the story board

“Step 3: The Develope”

“Next is the beginning of the leap itself. To begin the leap, you do a développé. A développé is a way of kicking your leg out which is done by bending your leg to bring your foot to your knee (this position is called a passe), then you straighten your leg out all the way. This step is important because it is what helps you gain height for the jump itself.”

“Step 4: Kicking off of Your Back Foot “Once your front foot is in the air, you need to kick your back leg out. Your back foot needs to push off of the floor by pointing to get your leg to the height it needs. For this step we calculated the time and force of the impact when your foot pushes off of the ground. We found that the Time of Impact was about 0.2 seconds and the Force of Impact was about 1120 N, or approximately 250 pounds of force!”

Hi! We are Jacob, Megan, and Julia, and for our physics of sports project, we chose the sports action of a ballet leap called a saut de chat (sew-day-Shaw) “In this action, a dancer runs forward, then jumps into the air with their legs in a split before landing back on the ground. “There are 6 main steps in a saut de chat (sew-day-shaw): The chasse (shaw-say), which is like a tiny jump that is used to travel and gain momentum, a few running steps, a develope (dev-elle-oh-pay) which is like a pretty way of kicking your leg out, then your back foot pushes against the floor, step five is where your legs come into a split in the air, before finally, you land back on the ground in a plie (plea-aye) where your legs are bent to absorb the shock of you hitting the ground.”

“Step 1: The Chasse”

“First we are going to look at step 1, which is the chasse (shaw-say) A chasse is basically a small jump that you do before the actual leap. You do this step to gain speed and momentum, which will make the bigger jump easier to do.”

“Step 2: The Step”

“Step 2 is very short and is just an extra step you take to gain even more momentum and to have the correct foot in front for the actual leap.”