Cosmic Chemistry Tic Tac Toe

Description: What we did for this project was select 3 different projects but as in a tic tac toe. Then we started brain storming ideas of the podcast, Comic book, Poem/Song. Then we worked on it for about a week and a half. At the end of the project we presented out of the 1/3 projects we did to the class.

Podcast Script-Cosmic Chemistry Project

Our Amazing Comic Books

Song-Cosmic Chemistry

Reflection: Two things I feel like I did really well in was the story/lines of the podcast and the other thing was choosing a good song to do a cover on for this project. Something I learned was the whole concept of the project and learning how earth and the elements were made. Two things I could have done better was helping with the song and the comic book a bit better and the other thing I could have done better was being more organized with my stuff.