Reverse Engineering 

Reverse Engineering Slides

Description: What we did for this unit/project was first find a personal item that we didn't mind taking a part/breaking. After we took it apart we took notes and sketches in our notebooks for what it has in it and how it works. Then for the final project we decided to use the walkie talkie to show and represent what we could do to change it and make it better  

Reverse Engineering: is a process in which software, machines, aircraft, architectural structures and other products are deconstructed to extract design information from them.

Walkie Talkie: Is a hand-held, portable, two-way radio transceiver with a speaker built into one end and a microphone in the other and an antenna mounted on the top of the unit. They are held up to the face to talk. A walkie-talkie is a half-duplex communication device. 

Reflection: Two things that I did well in this project are researching about the walkie talkie and what its made of and how we can improve it. Another thing that I did well in is the slide show the layout the format and just the theme of the slides in general

Two things that I can improve in is finishing the work on time. Another thing that I can work on is being more organized because I can be a little messy with the work and sometimes cant find the research I looked for