Cartilaginous Fish or Jawless fish Mini-Poster

Function: Jawless fishes were the first vertebrates to evolve. It is thus important to investigate them to determine whether consciousness was acquired in the common ancestor of all vertebrates. Most jawless fish lineages are extinct, and cyclostomes (lampreys and hagfish) are the sole survivors.

Description: For this project we learned about Cartilaginous and Jawless fish for about a week or two. Then we watched videos and wrote notes to help us understand and to help us take a quiz/test. Then we started on the mini poster drawing, coloring, and writing three fun facts.

Cartilaginous: a fish of a class distinguished by having a skeleton of cartilage rather than bone, including the sharks, rays, and chimeras.

Jawless Fish: Agnatha is an infraphylum of jawless fish in the phylum Chordata, subphylum Vertebrata, consisting of both present and extinct species. Among recent animals, cyclostomes are sister to all vertebrates with jaws, known as gnathostomes.

Reflection: Two things I did well in this project was the drawing. I feel like I did good on the drawing because it shows everything labeled and its very colorful. Another thing I did well is just learning about these types of cells. Two things I had trouble with was the work because I was far behind so I had to catch up on things and the second thing was the background colors.