Step 4

Phase 4 of our Capstone Design Project was primarily focused on evaluating our progress, researching the optimal components of our design.


Copy of Javier Maldonado Lopez - Life Cycle Assessment - Report and Infographic
Isaac Lancour - Detailed Experiments/Tests plan and set-up

Prototype Progress


In this step, we had to document the testing we used on our prototype and any changes we made due to the tests. The steps we took were,

After all these steps we were able to gain some valuable knowledge related to our project.


Looking back, my group and I probably had the most fun during this step. We worked hard and collaborated to the best of our abilities. Out of the 6 C's, we used collaboration, communication, and creativity the most. This was mainly because we had to design our project through drawings and pictures, add materials, and constantly communicate about what we needed to order and what we still required.