Marine Microbes 

Function: They produce energy (ATP) and therefore are called the 'powerhouse of the cell'. Helps in regulating cell metabolism. Mitochondria possess their own DNA, RNA and components required for protein synthesis.

Function: A prokaryotic cell performs all the essential functions that a normal cell performs. They can perform reproduction, respiration, digestion, and other biological processes. As the prokaryotic cells, organisms are single-celled organisms, so the single cell performs all these functions.

What we did in this project was learning about the different cell types Prokaryotic and Eukaryote. We learned about their different functions and where they can be found. Later in the week we started doing mini posters in these two types of Cells drawing what they look like and labeling their parts.    

Eukaryote Cell: Eukaryotes are organisms whose cells contain a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. There is a wide range of eukaryotic organisms, including all animals, plants, fungi, and protists, as well as most algae. Eukaryotes may be either single-celled or multicellular.

Prokaryote Cell: Prokaryotes are organisms whose cells lack a nucleus and other organelles. Prokaryotes are divided into two distinct groups: the bacteria and the archaea, which scientists believe have unique evolutionary lineages. Most prokaryotes are small, single-celled organisms that have a relatively simple structure.

Reflection: Two things I did good in this project was the drawing. I feel like I did good on the drawing because it shows everything labeled and its very colorful. Another thing I did well is just learning about these types of cells. Two things I had trouble in was the work because I was far behind so I had to catch up on things and the second thing was the background colors.