Robot Art Show

Robot Art Show

This is the code the we used: /*

SparkFun Inventor’s Kit

Circuit 2A - Buzzer

Play notes using a buzzer connected to pin 10

This sketch was written by SparkFun Electronics, with lots of help from the Arduino community.

This code is completely free for any use.

View circuit diagram and instructions at:

Download drawings and code at:


int speakerPin = 10; //the pin that buzzer is connected to

void setup()


pinMode(13, OUTPUT); // Set pin 13 to output

pinMode(12, OUTPUT); // Set pin 12 to output

pinMode(11, OUTPUT); // Set pin 11 to output

pinMode(9, OUTPUT); // Set pin 9 to output

pinMode(speakerPin, OUTPUT); //set the output pin for the speaker


void loop()


play('b', 3); //ha

digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // Turn on the LED

play('a', 3); //ppy

digitalWrite(13, LOW); // Turn on the LED

play('h', 3); //birth

play('a', 3); //day

play('C', 3); //to

play(' ', 3); //you

play('D', 3); //pause for 2 beats

digitalWrite(12, HIGH); // Turn on the LED

play('C', 3); //ha

digitalWrite(12, LOW); // Turn on the LED

play('b', 3); //ppy

play('C', 3); //birth

play('E', 3); //day

play(' ', 3); //to

play('F', 3); //pause for 2 beats

digitalWrite(11, HIGH); // Turn on the LED

play('E', 3); //ha

digitalWrite(11, LOW); // Turn on the LED

play('I', 3); //ppy

digitalWrite(11, HIGH); // Turn on the LED

play('E', 3); //birth

digitalWrite(11, LOW); // Turn on the LED

play('B', 3); //day

digitalWrite(11, HIGH); // Turn on the LED

play('A', 3); //dear

digitalWrite(11, LOW); // Turn on the LED

play('J', 3); //your

play('A', 3); //your

play('B', 3); //your

play('A', 3); //your

play('J', 3); //your

play('A', 3); //your

play('B', 3); //your

play(' ', 9); //your

digitalWrite(9, HIGH); // Turn on the LED

play('A', 3); //name

digitalWrite(9, LOW); // Turn on the LED

play('B', 3); //pause for 2 beats

digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // Turn on the LED

play('B', 3); //birth

digitalWrite(13, LOW); // Turn on the LED

play('A', 3); //day

digitalWrite(12, HIGH); // Turn on the LED

play('G', 3); //to

digitalWrite(12, LOW); // Turn on the LED

play('A', 3); //you

digitalWrite(12, HIGH); // Turn on the LED

play('B', 3); //birth

digitalWrite(12, LOW); // Turn on the LED

play('A', 3); //day

digitalWrite(12, HIGH); // Turn on the LED

play('G', 3); //to

digitalWrite(12, LOW); // Turn on the LED

play('A', 3); //you

play('B', 3); //birth

play('A', 3); //day

play('G', 3); //to

play('A', 3); //you

digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // Turn on the LED

digitalWrite(12, HIGH); // Turn on the LED

digitalWrite(11, HIGH); // Turn on the LED

digitalWrite(9, HIGH); // Turn on the LED

play('E', 3); //you

digitalWrite(13, LOW); // Turn on the LED

digitalWrite(12, LOW); // Turn on the LED

digitalWrite(11, LOW); // Turn on the LED

digitalWrite(9, LOW); // Turn on the LED

play(' ', 20);

//while (true) {} //get stuck in this loop forever so that the song only plays once


void play( char note, int beats)


int numNotes = 18; // number of notes in our note and frequency array (there are 15 values, but arrays start at 0)

//Note: these notes are C major (there are no sharps or flats)

//this array is used to look up the notes g# D# G# 5G# 5G 6C

char notes[] = { 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'a', 'b', 'h', 'C', 'D', 'I', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'A', 'B', ' ', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N'};

//this array matches frequencies with each letter (e.g. the 4th note is 'f', the 4th frequency is 175)

int frequencies[] = {131, 147, 165, 175, 196, 220, 247, 208, 262, 294, 311, 330, 349, 392, 440, 494, 0, 415, 500, 831, 784, 1047};

int currentFrequency = 0; //the frequency that we find when we look up a frequency in the arrays

int beatLength = 40; //the length of one beat (changing this will speed up or slow down the tempo of the song)

//look up the frequency that corresponds to the note

for (int i = 0; i < numNotes; i++) // check each value in notes from 0 to 14


if (notes[i] == note) // does the letter passed to the play function match the letter in the array?


currentFrequency = frequencies[i]; // Yes! Set the current frequency to match that note



//play the frequency that matched our letter for the number of beats passed to the play function

tone(speakerPin, currentFrequency, beats * beatLength);

delay(beats * beatLength); //wait for the length of the tone so that it has time to play

delay(50); //a little delay between the notes makes the song sound more natural



Note Frequency (Hz)

c 131

d 147

e 165

f 175

g 196

a 220

b 247

g# 415

C 262

D 294

E 330

F 349

G 392

A 440

B 494


Circuit Diagram