Fitness Log

This is my Fitness Logs that I have done this year. The fitness log is a project that helps you reach your fitness goal for example your goal could be is losing weight or building muscle. Something that I did for the project was riding my bike or walking around town for my exercise. Something else we did was yoga every Wednesday so it would help us stretch and relax our muscles for our next exercise/workout.


I used fit to see what exercise is good for my goal. I liked biking because for me its easier and i feels good when the cool air hits your face and just going around downtown to see what the people of Novato are doing.

Low impacted training

Anything that is easy on the joints or gentle and in fluid-motion is considered to be low impact. I used low impacted training which is biking and walking and other exercise like yoga and cycling.


Your muscle grow when they are overloaded with work. They grow when you push them to the limits. I push them to reach my goal I've been overloading my muscles and i have been trying to increasing my amount of exercise.

S.M.A.R.T Goal

My smart goal is losing weight. I will be doing this by going outside more and lose a little bit of weight by April 12. I will do this by going outside every day for at least 20-30 minutes


A training plan consisting of multiple cycles of workouts to be in the best shape by a certain day and time since the day you shaped your plan since the beginning.

Health Components Of Fitness

Cardiovascular endurance, Muscular endurance, Muscular Strength, Flexibility, Body Component cardiovascular exercise that also requires muscular endurance when biking long distance and Muscular strength when riding shorter distance. I don´t think flexibility was used during biking in my route that i took.

F.I.T.T Principle

Frequency, Intensity, time, and type, being the key components of an exercise program I was continuously adjusting the frequency, Intensity, time, and type of my workout every week.

Knowledge form other classes

Something that I have take away form both Health and CCR was patience. None of my workouts had instant results but i saw some over time. It took some time to see the changes but i started seeing them over time.