Computer Science

In this quarter of Computer Science, we are going to learn the following content:


Binary - IPs


The methodology will be similar to the previous one in Spanish, in this web space I will update the contents worked each day BUT the materials worked on in class will be in GOOGLE CLASSROOM.


May 21 - 6A


May 20 - 6B

Python Test 2

May 17 - 6A

Individual Work

May 16 - 6B

Final Review Python

May 15 - 6B

Talk and make some activities about python

May 15 - 6A

Talk and make some activities about python

May 14 - 6A

Correction Review 2

Python Test 2

May 13 - 6B

Correction Review 2

Python Libraries 

Classwork: photocopy Python Library Functions

May 10 - 6A

Activity Review 2 (materials and instructions in Google Classroom)


May 9 - 6B

Activity Review 2 (materials and instructions in Google Classroom)


May 6 - 6A

For and while loops

Exercises with loops

Define a function in Python (define, call and use arguments)

Homework: create 2 functions (instructions in Google Classroom in the materials, due Wednesday)

May 6 - 6B

For and while loops

Exercises with loops

Define a function in Python (define, call and use arguments)

Homework: create 2 functions (instructions in Google Classroom in the materials, due Wednesday)

May 2 - 6B

Python Test 1

May 1 - 6A

Loop FOR

May 1 - 6B

Correction activity 2

April 30 - 6A

Correction activity 2

Python Test 1

April 29 - 6B

Correction activity 1

New activity (2) 

Extra activity

Homework: study for the test

April 26 - 6A

Correction activity 1

New activity (2) 

Extra activity

Homework: study for the test

April 25 - 6B

Review Python 1 and 2

Homework: Activity in Programiz Python Compiler

April 23 - 6A

Python 2: Negative Numerical Index, len and type function, Python lists

Homework: Activity in Programiz Python Compiler

April 22 - 6B

Python 2: Negative Numerical Index, len and type function, Python lists

Homework: Activity in Programiz Python Compiler

April 19 - 6A

Correction of photocopy Python Introduction

Python 1: How to define a variable (number or text), print function, comments and numerical index.

How to use Programiz Python Compiler

April 18 - 6B

Correction of photocopy Python Introduction

Python 1: How to define a variable (number or text), print function, comments and numerical index.

How to use Programiz Python Compiler

April 17 - 6A

Python introduction (What is Python? and "Hello, world" program)

Classwork: photocopy Python Introduction

April 17 - 6B

Python introduction (What is Python? and "Hello, world" program)

Classwork: photocopy Python Introduction

April 16 - 6A

IP Address Test

April 15 - 6B

IP Address Test

April 12 - 6A

Correction review activity and photocopy IP addresses and masks networks  

Explication network and broadcast address

Classwork: photocopy network and broadcast address

April 11 - 6B

Correction review activity and photocopy IP addresses and masks networks  

Explication network and broadcast address

Homework: photocopy network and broadcast address (due Monday, only exercises 1 and 3) 

April 10 - 6B

Review Activity

April 10 - 6A

Review Activity

April 9 - 6A

Explication about IP Addresses and masks network

Homework: photocopy IP addresses and masks networks (due Friday)

April 8 - 6B

Explication about IP Addresses and masks network

Homework: photocopy IP addresses and masks networks (due Thursday)

April 5 - 6A

Classwork: activity IPs Addresses

Homework: convert decimal to binary these IP Addresses:

April 4 - 6B

Correction decimal to binary and binary to decimal

Classwork: activity IPs Addresses

April 3 - 6B

Classwork: activity Networks

April 3 - 6A

Classwork: activity Networks

April 2 - 6A

Correction Binary to decimal 

Convert decimal to binary + exercises

March 28 - 6B

Correction binary to decimal and decimal to binary

Homework: convert binary to decimal and decimal to binary (exercises copied in class)

March 27 - 6A

Explanation about how to convert from binary to decimal

5 Examples binary to decimal

Homework: convert binary to decimal (exercises copied in class)

March 27 - 6B

Explanation about how to convert from binary to decimal

Homework: convert binary to decimal (exercises copied in class)

March 26 - 6A

Activity Google Sheets

Intro to a binary to decimal - Decimal to binary 

March 25 - 6B

Binary to decimal

Decimal to binary 

March 12 - 6A

Google Sheets Test

March 11 - 6B

Google Sheets Test

March 8 - 6A

Khan Academy - Pixar in a box

March 7 - 6B

Charts - Line Charts, Area Charts, Stepped Charts and Column Charts

Homework: Activity 5

March 6 - 6A

Review activity Google Sheets

If someone was not in class, it is a good exercise to practice at home for the test, but it does not have to be done as homework.

March 6 - 6B

Review activity Google Sheets

If someone was not in class, it is a good exercise to practice at home for the test, but it does not have to be done as homework.

March 5 - 6A

Columns Stats, Open-ended Cell and Check-Boxes

Activity 7

Homework: finish the Activity 

March 4 - 6B

Graphs - Google Sheets

Activity 4 - Graphs

Homework: finish the Activity 4

March 1 - 6A

Test Google Docs

February 29 - 6B

Test Google Docs

February 28 - 6B

Review 2 Google Docs

Homework: finish the Review 2 and study for the test

February 27 - 6A

Charts - Bar Charts, Pie Charts, Doughnut Charts, Scatter Charts, Bubble Charts, Histogram Charts, Organizational Charts, Geo Charts and Table Chart

Activity 6

February 23 - 6A

Charts - Line Charts, Area Charts, Stepped Charts and Column Charts

Activity 5

February 22 - 6B

Functions SUM, - , * , /

Activity 3

February 21 - 6A

Activity Review 1 Google Docs

February 21 - 6B

Activity Review 1 Google Docs

February 20 - 6A

Correction Review Activity

Functions SUM, - , * , /

Activity 3

February 16 - 6A

Graphs - Google Sheeets

Activity 4 - Graphs

I will check the review activity next day and the activity 2 resolving all the questions you may have about it first.

February 15 - 6B

Correction of the review activity

February 14 - 6A

Typing test

Review Activity (We will correct it on Friday in class, it is not homework)

February 14 - 6B

Typing test

Review Activity (We will correct it tomorrow in class, it is not homework)

February 13 - 6A


Activity 2

All the theory related to this is in google classroom. Both activities (1 and 2) have to be done with the same data table

Homework: finish Activity 2 (You don't have to attach it, show me in class the next day) (If you have already finished it in class, you don't have to do anything else)

February 12 - 6B


Activity 2

All the theory related to this is in google classroom. Both activities (1 and 2) have to be done with the same data table

Homework: finish Activity 2 (You don't have to attach it, show me in class the next day) (If you have already finished it in class, you don't have to do anything else)

February 9 - 6A

Activity February 9th - Google Sheets and Google Docs

February 8 - 6B

Activity February 8th - Google Sheets and Google Docs

February 7 - 6A

Typing Test

February 7 - 6B

Typing Test

February 6 - 6A

Introduction Google Sheets


Homework: finish Activity 1 (You don't have to attach it, show me in class the next day) (If you have already finished it in class, you don't have to do anything else)

February 5 - 6B

Introduction Google Sheets


Activity 1

February 1 - 6B

Docs 4 - Forms anf Table of contents

Create a Form

Final Project

January 31 - 6A


January 31 - 6B


January 30 - 6A

Docs 4 - Forms anf Table of contents

Create a Form (due today)

Final Project (due Friday February 2)

January 29 - 6B

Docs 3 - Adding Citations, adjusting margins, finding keyboard shortcuts and headers and footers 

Project 3 Docs 3 (Due Today)

January 26 - 6A

Docs 3 - Adding Citations, adjusting margins, finding keyboard shortcuts and headers and footers 

Project 3 Docs 3 (Due Today)

January 25 - 6B

Docs 2 - Editing Docs Offline, how to track changes, font styles and translating Documents

Project 2 Docs 2


January 24 - 6A


January 24 - 6B


January 23 - 6A

Docs 2 - Editing Docs Offline, how to track changes, font styles and translating Documents

Project 2 Docs 2


January 22 - 6B

Docs 1 - Text Basic and formatting, text boxes and shapes, indent and tabs and working with tables

Homework: finish project 1 (creation of a menu in google docs (rules explained in google classroom)). Due day: tomorrow through the assignment in google classroom. After tomorrow, grades will be below 80%.

January 12 - 6A

Docs 1 - Text Basic and formatting, text boxes and shapes, indent and tabs and working with tables

Homework: finish project 1 (creation of a menu in google docs (rules explained in google classroom)). Due day: tomorrow through the assignment in google classroom. After tomorrow, grades will be below 80%.

January 11 - 6B

Introduction to the subject

Typing (

January 9 - 6A

Introduction to the subject

Typing (