Voluntary work

Voluntary work

Volunteering is when you give your time, free of charge, to help a project, an organisation or someone you are not related to.  The benefits are not only to the organisation being helped but also to those who choose to volunteer their time because it's;

Everyone who volunteers agrees that volunteering can be both challenging and rewarding. There are many opportunities out there for you that are suited to your interests and to the amount of time you have to offer. 

The Young Person’s Guarantee is to create funded and supported volunteering placements for young people who face barriers to volunteering. These volunteering opportunities will be based within the voluntary / third sector. As part of the placement young people will be entitled to access:

• Support from Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise (SVE) to find and engage with a volunteering opportunity

• Additional support from the host organisation (for which a small grant will be paid)

• Access to training

• Specialist support (where relevant)

SVE will be delivering the Young Person’s Guarantee Programme in Stirling.  We are currently seeking to identify young people to take part in the programme with an aim to encourage the young person to choose a positive destination at the end of their placement.

For more information about the referral process and who is eligible, you can visit https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/YPGonlineform

Additionally, we are also calling on host organisations who can commit to supporting a young person to volunteer.

Please contact SVE on 01786 430000 or 

email:  Joanne@sventerprise.org.uk or caitlyn@sventerprise.org.uk

The Saltire Awards are the Scottish Government's way of celebrating, recognising and rewarding the commitment, contribution and achievements of young volunteers in Scotland. 

They are for 12- 25yr olds and can be completed at various different levels. If you would like to find out more contact additionalsupportneeds@stirling.gov.uk for more info

Stirling Voluntary Enterprise help to bring organisations and charities together with people who want to volunteer their time to bring about real, positive change across the whole Stirling area. 

If you are an organisation who would like to  recruit volunteers or someone who would like to volunteer their time, please get in touch via the Stirling Voluntary Enterprise website. 

Crista’s Volunteering Story

My name is Crista Arthur, and I am seventeen years old. I have achieved over 500 hours of voluntary work from a variety of roles, both in and out of school. 

I started my volunteering journey at a hospital, in the Royal Voluntary Service café in 2018. My role included various responsibilities ranging from banking to taking food and drink to patients in the hospital wards. 

My experience has not only developed my multitasking abilities, confidence and communication skills, but my awareness of the great impact volunteers can have on their community. 

I decided to sign up for Saltire because it is an official certifying method that confirms your volunteer experience. This has been particularly useful when applying to university.

Liam's Volunteering Story

Liam is 17 years old and  he is in his final year at school in Stirling. Before lockdown he had been volunteering in a cafe set up in his local area for people with dementia. He was working towards his Bronze Duke of Edinburgh award.  

At The Memory Cafe Liam helped to serve the tea, coffee & cakes to the cafe members. He enjoyed chatting to everyone and tried very hard to lift their spirits every week, encouraging sing alongs & taking part in the entertainment. He was the elf at Christmas and helped Santa deliver the presents. 

Since lockdown Liam has continued helping the other volunteers’ deliver soup & cake to the members in their homes. He was recently recognised at school for his hard work and was awarded The Dunblane and Bridge of Alan Rotary Community Award. It is a role Liam really enjoys and one he hopes will continue after he leaves school.

Liam has also recently signed up for Saltire Awards so that his achievements and contribution can rightfully acknowledged through a qualification recognised and valued by employers. 

For more information on support for young people with Additional Support Needs, please visit: https://www.projectscotland.co.uk/a-guide-for-disabled-people-to-volunteer/

Name: Caitlyn

Age: 23

Started Volunteering: August 2015

Current Job: Development and Engagement Assistant (SVE)

Volunteering summed up in one word: Rewarding

From Volunteering to Employment!

My very first experience of volunteering was assisting an art teacher within my local primary school. I did this alongside my final year of studies at high school as a way of gaining practical knowledge and experience. 

Initially I thought this would look great on my CV and personal statement for university as I wanted to be a teacher once I left school, or so I thought. I had no idea about the path that I eventually decided to take. After some consideration, I decided to study Politics at university as I wanted to widen my opportunities. 

During my time at university, I started volunteering for Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise (SVE) as a Policy Researcher. Not only did this boost my confidence in the field but I also learned skills that have helped me in various social situations, with my studies, and even in job interviews. It allowed me to meet a variety of people and has shown me the importance of teamwork and communication. 

Once I graduated, I was so unsure about what I wanted to do. I had this new degree which I worked so hard to get but no idea where to start in terms of moving forward whether that was moving straight in to the world of work and getting myself a full time job in my field or to continue my studies by doing further education.

As a result, I decided the best idea was to take a year out and consider my options. During this time, due to my volunteering with SVE, I was offered a sessional role with SVE as a Volunteering Development Assistant alongside my full time retail position. I always enjoyed working within the third sector; getting to see all the amazing things that were being done in the community, making connections and learning about all the great volunteering opportunities available. Although volunteering can be challenging, it is also very rewarding and provides a real sense of fulfilment being able to give something back to the community. 

Through the connections I had made, the skills I had learned and the relationships I had built, I was very lucky to be offered a full time position this year with SVE as a Development and Engagement Assistant. This position has allowed me to expand on my existing experience and knowledge and I am learning more and more as each day goes by.  

So in the end, I decided not to become a teacher but regardless of this, my very first volunteering experience helping in my local primary school has provided me with the necessary skills to set me up for my future career. Although I might not be on the path I initially had planned, my volunteering experience opened me up to a whole new world of opportunities which I am extremely thankful for.