ASN: Successful 16+ Transitions

It might be daunting to start thinking about moving on from school or college and planning what you can do next. 

It is important to find activities to do that are purposeful and make you happy in a place that you feel safe and happy too. 

Having the right support when needed to access these opportunities is equally important.

Accessing some opportunities like college or day services require funding so understanding the financial support that may be available to you is important too. 

The information below describes some of the opportunities and supports available to young people as they move of from school and into adulthood.

Forth Valley College offer a range of  supported learning opportunities for people  who would like to continue onto further learning but also have learning support needs.  

Click here to find out more about the courses on offer

Click here to explore the range of supports on offer to students

Disability Information Scotland provide a wealth of information about statutory supports available to students who have a disability are are undertaking further or higher education. Find out more here

Partners who offer opportunities

There are a number of opportunities available in the central area. Find out more here

Gartinny Nurseries in Coalsnaughton ,  is part of Scottish Autism's Day services . Find out more here

The Riverbank Resource Centre and Cafe provides Day Support for adults with profound and complex needs 

Click here to find out more

Enabling people access to social, educational and recreational activities in their local communities and support the achievement of their individual outcomes 

Click here to find out more

Everyone at Camphill Blair Drummond aspires to lead a rounded life. Gaining skills and leading a meaningful, productive life builds confidence. 

Click here to find out more about their day services. 

Green Routes Stirling is a registered Scottish charity, based in Gartmore, near Aberfoyle, Stirling. 

Greenroutes offers an opportunity to learn and grow, to develop skills for life, learning and work. 

Reanimate is an organisation dedicated to the advancement of animal welfare, education and self empowerment based on complete non harm. Reanimate believes it is impossible to empower yourself or others if it dis-empowers another; no matter what species. 

Based in Bridge of Allan Stirling. 

Independent living Services

There are many services available to support help people with disabilities to live independently whilst connected to a support network. 


Carr Gomm

The Richmond Fellowship Scotland



Ailsa Care

Scottish Autism

National Autistic Society 

Camphill Blair Drummond

Paws for Progress CIC is a non-profitable organisation dedicated to improving the lives of people and animals. 

Working across a range of settings including schools, prisons and the community, Paws for Progress develop and deliver services to help people most in need of support.