Nurseries and Schools

Care experience and early years 

Click here to view a sketch note describing the current supports on offer from the Virtual Head Team to Primary aged learners

Click here to view the current supports on offer from the Virtual Head Team to Secondary aged learners. 

Supporting care experienced children and young people nurseries and schools

Improving outcomes for children and young people requiring care and protection is a key priority for education and children's services from nurseries through to further and higher education.

Stirling Council take our corporate parenting duties very seriously; promoting the voices of care experienced children and young people is at the heart of services we provide and how we provide them. 

Only 16%, or fewer than 1-in-6 care experienced young people in Scotland leave school with a Higher (SQCF 6) level qualification, compared with 61% of their peers (Scottish Government, 2018).​  We provide targeted support to those who need it to help learners achieve their best. 

There is a negative correlation between placement moves and the level of achievement at school – the more you move, the less well you do.​ We work to prevent multiple changes of where children live and reduce exclusions from school

Educational attainment is strongly linked to health and economic outcomes, such that, the disadvantage faced by care experienced young people in receiving a disrupted education can profoundly shape their adult lives. We provide ongoing support and signposting to partner services to support young people as they move into adulthood. 

Useful documents

Keeping the Promise

Scottish Government released the Independent Care Review in Jan 2020, followed by Scotland’s Promise to all care experienced children and young people and the easy read Pinky Promise.

Find out more here