Housing Support Project: Corporate Parenting Hub

The Corporate Parenting Hub are specialist housing service’s for care experienced young people aged 16-26.

committed to enhancing and supporting care experienced young people into semi-independent and independent living.

Young People can come with their Pathways co-ordinator to visit Glasgow Road or Glencairn before deciding to come to live there. You can meet the team and talk about when you would like to move in.

Whilst living with the Housing Support Project you could take up the offer of support to prepare you for living on you own. This could be learning more about: 

Glasgow Road

Glasgow Road consists of an Upper floor flat in which 3 young people can live with their own en-suite bedroom and shared living and kitchen areas. There is also an emergency bedroom which is accessible to young people in crisis on a temporary basis.


Glencairn is the lower right hand flat within a ‘four in a block’ set up.  The flat consist of two single bedrooms with a separate shared bathroom facility as well as shared living room and kitchen areas. 

What the team say...

“It really is the best place to spend our time, be it through grabbing a cup of tea/coffee with our young people, watching the latest ‘must watch’ on Netflix or a game of football. We paint, cook, exercise and help with the adult stuff like, looking for jobs, college courses, making health appointments and helping to manage your money well. 

While everything said above is true  we also know the young people just like everyone else can need support with their mental wellbeing.  We feel at the corporate parenting hub that whilst we might not always be able to fix things for you we can be alongside you while you get the support you need.

 Sometimes that might just be a catch up and a chat about what is going on for you and other times it might need someone more specialised to help you, but please know you won’t ever be expected to do it on your own."

What people who live there say...

“Great support from staff and ongoing”


“The team are really great at supporting me with things I need help with”


“I don’t know what I would ever have done without you guys, I could never have done all of this without you”


“You're my guardian angel”


“Its good, it does the trick”

Useful Telephone Numbers

Glasgow Road Housing Support Project:  01786 237494


Through Care Social Work Team 01786 233772


Who Cares Worker 07849 083 223


Children’s Rights Officer (Fiona Moffat) 01786 233466


Local Medical Centre (Stirling Health and Care village) 01786 445888


Stirling Carers Centre 01786 447003


Stirling’s Job Centre Plus 0800 169 0190