Children and young people

Supporting children and young people with care experience

The Virtual Head Team help to co-ordinate support for you and get additional support if you need it.

You already have teachers and support staff in your school who are responsible for all of the pupils and their school or nursery. You may also have a social worker who is there to support you and help to keep you safe and well. You may have left school but need help to improve your wellbeing or achieve your potential.

The VHT provide extra support for children and young people who are care experienced and make sure that everyone is getting it right for you. This means that in addition to having your key teacher or social worker to speak to about concerns, you also have us to help remove barriers to success. 

If you have any questions or queries, you should let your social worker or another trusted adult know in the first instance. They will then contact the VHT for extra support. We will help any way we can. 

Young people from Stirling Champs Board wrote a letter to their corporate parents introducing themselves and telling what they would like from their corporate parents

Click here to listen and read our letter to our Corporate Parents

Young Scot

Do you have a young scot card? Are you aware of all the benefits available through Young Scot? If not, check out what's happening in Stirling with Young Scot. 


The Promise describes Scotland's promise to improve services for all children and young people who have experienced care

The Pinky Promise is the easier read version 


Mind of My Own is an online platform allowing you to share their views with:

your social worker, pupil support teacher or the children’s rights officer

Any child or young person can use Mind of My Own to access the virtual pupil support team. Instructions here.

Children and young people who are within the care system can use Mind of  My Own to contact their social worker or the children’s rights officer. Instructions here.

All children and young people with experience of care are eligible for a free membership at Stirling's PEAK leisure centre.  

Referrals can be completed by professional supporting you. 

For more information email:

Want to do a fun activity? 

Want to learn a new skill? 

Want to meet new people who like things you do? 

Here are some organisations who would love to hear from you. They also provide support to people who need help to get involved. 

You may be eligible for Flexible Fund to help pay fees too!

Clan Childlaw is Scotland's law centre for children and young people. We protect and strengthen children’s rights and improve their lives. 

Scotland's website to explain more about secure care for children, young people, carers/ parents and supporting adults.

The Secure Care Pathway and Standards Scotland were created to improve the experiences of children and young people who are in, or on the edges of, secure care, leading to better and brighter outcomes.