Art & Design

Checked GCSE Art.mp4
What GCSE Artists do.mp4

A GCSE in Art and Design can open the door to a wider range of careers than you might at first think. Click here to see examples of where Art and Design can take you.

GCSE Art and Design

Contact Information: Ms J Harris

Course Content

GCSE Art and Design is an Art course that allows you to explore and develop your own interests in a wide range of disciplines across the visual arts, crafts and design, and gives you the experience of working with a broad range of media. Students are able to work across multiple mediums such as Paint, Printmaking, Digital Art, Photography, Clay, Sculpture, Textiles or Animation. You will complete a sketchbook or portfolio where you will fill it with ideas, plans, experiments, thoughts and observations based on a set theme. How you explore the set themes is up to you. At the beginning of year 10 you will complete a series of practical workshops building key skills, how to analyse and respond to Artists work, how to record ideas, how to present your work and you can decide how you want to work.

Skills Developed

You will develop lots of valuable, transferable skills that will help you to become a confident  life-long learner.You will learn how to work more independently, how to plan and organise work and how to evaluate and improve what you are making. In your projects you will use a variety of material, techniques and processes, learning how to be creative and successful with each. You will be able to develop skills with Painting and Drawing, Digital processes like Photography or  Animation, and  Print-Making methods like Lino and Intaglio. You can use 3D Art techniques: Clay, Mixed Media, Sculpture or Constructed Textiles. Love being creative, making art, want to improve your technique,  do it for fun or with a career in mind? This course is for you


Component 1 is worth 60% of the GCSE. 

Over the course of year 10 until December in  year 11 you will complete the coursework unit of practical work on an idea that you choose. 

Component 2 is worth 40% of the GCSE 

This is an externally set project completed from January to April in  year 11. There are 15 starter titles to choose from; they are quite open and you can work in any Art medium. You will have 10 weeks to complete the research, planning and experimentation for your project. You will then have a final 10 hours across 2 days in the Art room to make a final piece of artwork. 

Progression Routes


A level Art, Craft and Design

A level Photography

A level Media Studies

A level Graphics

Level 3 Creative Diplomas and BTECs


BTEC Art & Design Courses

Technical, apprenticeship and T level courses 

Employment (examples)

Graphic Designer


Fine Artist


Interior Design



Product design

Theatre/ costume design

Prop and special effects

Games and Web designer