Spencer ACP Program Overview

HOW do we do ACP work at Spencer?

Spencer ACP work is in the development and implementation phase.

The WI DPI (Department of Public Instruction) ACP focus of KNOW, LEARN, PLAN and the ASCA / WSCM (American School Counselor Association / Wisconsin School Counseling Model) focus on BEHAVIORS / HABITS / SKILLS help guide Spencer ACP work and supports Spencer students to create and develop their own 'college / career / life' readiness future.

Students take part in staff lead weekly lessons in Grades 6-12 that incorporate:

      • guided self discovery to identify personal values, likes and dislikes, interests, personality traits and more in the KNOW phase while also supporting the development of employability skills for BEHAVIORS and HABITS .

      • exploration of careers through a variety of methods including career website exploration, university / technical college / military / local business representatives speakers , virtual meets with people in career roles of interest, labor market exploration and more for the LEARN phase.

      • preparation for careers and life through activities that support SKILL development for resume building, scholarship preparation and applying, work force application processes, college program applications financial planning and financial aid, preparation for interviewing in person and virtually, preparation for college entrance assessments, involvement in community based volunteering and local civic organizations and more in the PLAN phase.

      • See the ACP Scope and Sequence

Career Based Field Trips occur throughout the school year through:

  • Content areas, particularly in the CTE (Career and Technical Education) programs of agricultural science, industrial technology and engineering, family and consumer science and business and computer education plan a variety of field trip opportunities for student career information and exploration.

  • Heavy Metal Tour, sponsored by a local technical college (NTC Northcentral Technical College) and the Wausau area business associations, is a middle school opportunity for students to see careers in action that are manufacturing involved.

  • Career Venture, sponsored by the Chippewa Valley business association, is a middle / high school opportunity for students to see and interact with materials / tools / representatives in a wide variety of careers.

  • Reality Store is a life planning activity in which students are assigned a particular career, salary, family unit and plan how to financially manage these adult life scenarios.

  • WEF - Wisconsin Education Fair is an opportunity for Juniors to meet with university, technical college, independent college and military representatives.

Work based learning opportunities are available for high school students in forms of:

  • job shadowing

  • state sponsored youth apprenticeship certification programs

  • credit earning work based opportunities at school and local businesses in a variety of industries

Middle School Survey Courses - Middle school students participate in a rotation of courses to explore and expose them to content which may be related to future careers and in high school course selection. The survey courses include agricultural science ed., art, business and technology ed., family and consumer science education (FCS), general music, industrial technology and engineering education, world languages and cultures.

Assessment program to support academic progress monitoring and program admissions:

  • ACT - state requirement for all Juniors

  • ASVAB - military entrance exam for Juniors which may be used for military entrance based on age and also provides great skill assessment of skills not typically on college entrance exams and great career information

  • Forward - state required

  • Pre-ACT - stare requirement for all freshmen and sophomores

  • CERT - College Equipped Readiness Tool - Academic progress monitoring

  • EL - state required English language assessments for students of other first language bases

  • BEST- Universal Screening Platform for educational professionals designed to build on the behavioral health of students while helping to identify students who may benefit from additional, positive behavioral support.

Parent / Guardian / Student Informational Events Include:

  • Registration and Scheduling Meetings in large group and individual student settings

  • Course and career planning meetings in to establish Individual Learning and Career Plans

  • Financial Aid Information Night

  • Scholarship Information Night

Student Organization Involvement for student participation and leadership development include:

  • CTSO (Career and Technical Student Organizations) - FFA, FCCLA (Family, Career, Community Leaders of America), FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America)

  • Student Council

  • National Honor Society

  • History Club

  • Science Club

  • Forensics / Drama Club

  • Jazz Band