Spencer ACP Lesson Scope and Sequence

Grade Level and Concept / Skill/ Activity

Grade 6

ACP Lessons during Rocket Pride Time (RPT) once a week including skill development in

  • What is an ACP?

  • Creating an ACP E-portfolio for personal documentation and career planning

  • Documenting artifacts, reflection writing on artifacts saved

  • Study skills and plan

  • Interests

  • Leadership

  • Emails in workplace

  • Personality traits and Hollands Career Codes & career clusters

  • Career pathways

  • Career exploration through a variety of activities and websites

  • Aptitudes and skill development

  • Appropriate work/school behaviors and manners

  • Goal setting and future planning

  • Importance of all jobs

  • Transferable skills & obsolete jobs

  • Hygiene skills for school and workplace

  • Team building activities

  • Complete BASC Mental Health Assessment and YRBS Youth Risk Behavior Survey

  • Complete Connections survey regarding student and staff connectedness

  • Take CERT assessments in fall, winter and spring for academic progress monitoring

  • Parent / Guardian Involvement:

    • Student / parent / guardian review of ACP E-portfolio

Study Skill Class - Organization & Time Management, Writing Goals, How to Study: Study Skills, Taking Notes (Multiple Strategies), Work Ethic, Group vs. Individual Work and students role as a learner.

-Multiple Intelligence inventory- Careers for each category

-Reality Store- Getting to know the businesses around town

Grade 7

ACP Lessons during Rocket Pride Time once a week including skill development in:

  • What is an ACP? review

  • updating ACP E-portfolio for personal documentation and career planning

    • Documenting artifacts, reflection writing on artifacts saved

  • Choices and decision making

  • Hard and soft skills (job related and foundational skills to all jobs)

  • Jobs you don't think you can do or are not a good match for personality, values, skills, etc.

  • Importance of finding good career matches Shoe Shopping lesson)

  • Wellness - importance of developing personal wellness for career happiness and sustainability

  • Personal study plan development

  • Personality traits and Hollands Career Codes / Clusters

  • Career pathways

  • Career exploration through a variety of activities and websites

  • Goal setting and future planning

  • Continued appropriate behaviors at school and work

  • Team building activities

  • Complete BASC Mental Health Assessment and YRBS Youth Risk Behavior Survey

  • Complete Connections survey regarding other students and staff

  • Take CERT assessments in fall, winter and spring for academic progress monitoring

  • Participate in MS survey rotation which may include: Agricultural Science ed., Art, Business and Technology Ed., Family and Consumer Science Education (FCS), General Music, Technology and Engineering education, world languages and cultures

  • Parent / guardian involvement:

    • Student / parent / guardian review of ACP E-portfolio

Reality Store- Life Simulation Activity practicing communication skills, financial planning, life and family planning utilizing current job market information

-Study Skill Class - Organization & Time Management, Writing Goals, How to Study: Study Skills, Taking Notes (Multiple Strategies), Work Ethic, Group vs. Individual Work and students role as a learner.

Grade 8

ACP Lessons during Rocket Pride Time (RPT) once a week including skill development in:

  • updating ACP E-portfolio for personal documentation and career planning

  • Importance of mentors and mentoring

  • Levels of training for careers - on the job, certifications, variety of college degree levels

  • Personal Value Clarification

  • Importance of trust in careers and employment

  • School club / activity and community service involvement

  • Career clusters and pathways

  • Social Media Personal Evaluation

  • Calendaring basics

  • HS registration and HS course planning - four year plan of study

  • Heavy Metal Tour Participation - central Wisconsin manufacturing industry field trip

  • Reality Store- Life Simulation Activity practicing communication skills, financial planning, life and family planning utilizing current job market information

  • Continued appropriate behaviors at school and work

  • Team building activities

  • Complete BASC Mental Health Assessment and YRBS Youth Risk Behavior Survey

  • Complete Connections survey regarding other students and staff

  • Take CERT assessments in fall, winter and spring for academic progress monitoring

  • Participate in MS survey rotation which may include: Agricultural Science ed., Art, Business and Technology Ed., Family and Consumer Science Education (FCS), General Music, Technology and Engineering education, world languages and cultures

  • Parent / guardian involvement -

    • Participate in ILP conference with parent, student & counselor

      • Student / parent / guardian review of ACP E-portfolio, educational file, assessment progress, course planning

    • Participate in HS registration information meeting

-Study Skill Class - Organization & Time Management, Writing Goals, How to Study: Study Skills, Taking Notes (Multiple Strategies), Work Ethic, Group vs. Individual Work and students role as a learner.

Grade 9

ACP Lessons during Rocket Pride Time once a week including skill development in:

  • updating ACP E-portfolio for personal documentation and career planning

  • Learning Styles

  • Intro to university and technical college systems and military branches

  • Career exploration through a variety of activities and websites

  • Humor in the workplace

  • Employability skills

  • Appropriate personal email name

  • Driver's education information and planning

  • Documentation of school activities and leadership

  • How to ask questions of career representatives

  • Career representative live or virtual meets and presentations:

    • Human resources speaker on interviewing and applying

    • Workforce representatives from local businesses or specific career pathways

    • US Military representatives

    • Technical College System

    • University of Wisconsin System

    • WI Independent College

  • Goal setting and future planning

  • Continued appropriate behaviors at school and work

  • Team building activities

  • Complete BASC Mental Health Assessment and YRBS Youth Risk Behavior Survey

  • Complete Connections survey regarding other students and staff

  • ASPIRE Testing and estimated ACT score - college review

  • Parent / guardian involvement:

    • Student / parent / guardian review of ACP E-portfolio, assessment progress, course planning

    • HS course registration process

    • Opportunity to attend Financial Aid Night and Scholarship Night events

-Activities - Career Venture Exploration sponsored by Chippewa Valley Work Force Board

Grade 10

  • ACP Lessons during Rocket Pride Time (RPT) once a week including skill development in:

  • Updating ACP E-portfolio for personal documentation and career planning

  • Resume development

  • Importance of personal branding

  • Interview preparation and skills

  • Continued university and technical college systems and military branch communications

  • Career exploration through a variety of activities and websites

  • Employees commitments and employers commitments

  • Continued employability skills

  • Continued documentation of school activities and leadership

  • Continued documentation of volunteering opportunities

  • Career representative live or virtual meets and presentations:

    • Human resources speaker on interviewing and applying

    • Workforce representatives from local businesses or specific career pathways

    • US Military representatives

    • Technical College System

    • University of Wisconsin System

    • WI Independent College

  • Driver's education planning continued / review

  • Continued goal setting and future planning

  • Continued appropriate behaviors and school and work

  • Wellness in the workplace and life

  • Team building activities

  • HS registration

    • course selections

    • Youth Apprenticeship Opportunities

    • Dual Credit Opportunities for Gr 11 and 12

  • ASPIRE Testing and estimated ACT score - college review

  • Complete BASC Mental Health Assessment and YRBS Youth Risk Behavior Survey

  • Complete Connections survey regarding other students and staff

  • Take CERT assessments in fall, winter and spring for academic progress monitoring

  • PSAT opportunity for academic assessment sponsored through the College Board

  • Parent / guardian involvement

    • Participate in ILP conference with parent, student & counselor

      • Student / parent / guardian review of ACP E-portfolio, educational file, assessment progress, course planning and transcript review

    • Course registration process input

    • Opportunity to attend Financial Aid Night and Scholarship Night events

Grade 11

-ACP Lessons during Rocket Pride Time once a week including skill development in:

  • updating ACP E-portfolio for personal documentation and career planning

  • Calendaring your day

  • Continued university and technical college systems and military branches communications

  • Career exploration through a variety of activities and websites

  • Continued development of employability skills and self evaluation

  • Continued documentation of school activities and leadership

  • Continued documentation of community service

  • Career representative live or virtual meets and presentations:

    • Human resources speaker on interviewing and applying

    • Workforce representatives from local businesses or specific career pathways

    • US Military representatives

    • Technical College System

    • University of Wisconsin System

    • WI Independent College

  • Continued goal setting and future planning

  • Continued appropriate behaviors at school and work

  • Team building activities

-Post Secondary tours, visits and meetings

-ACT, WorkKeys and ASVAB and Optional PSAT

-Dual credit placement test planning

-Letters of Recommendation

-Other Post Secondary considerations

-WI Civics Exam

-YA/Work Experience

-Dual Credit

-Social Media Networking Plan

-Continue Financial Planning

-Transcript Review


-Gr 11 Parent night in conjunction with spring PT conference

-Establish plan for post secondary admissions meetings, applications, etc. and timelines

Grade 12

ACP Lessons during Rocket Pride Time once a week including skill development in:

  • updating ACP E-portfolio for personal documentation and career planning

  • Future plan preparation:

    • work force job shadowing

    • Youth Apprenticeships and other work experiences

    • College application process

      • essay writing support

      • financial aid planning

      • scholarship opportunities and scholarship application support

    • military application process

  • Career representative live or virtual meets and presentations:

    • Workforce representatives from local businesses or specific career pathways

    • US Military representatives

    • Technical College System

    • University of Wisconsin System

    • WI Independent College

  • Community adult organizations for future involvement

  • Parent Involvement:

    • Individual conferencing with student, parent/guardian, counselor, other which may include other staff and / or mentors - Specific for grade 8 and 11/12 but may include other grade levels as time allows

    • Scholarship Planning Meeting - for all HS students and families - information sharing and scholarship donor panel

    • Financial Aid Meeting - for all HS students and families - information sharing and financial aid filing support

-Selective Service Registry

-Individual and group senior conferencing

-WI Civics Exam confirmation of pass

-College Entrance Test Planning

-Transcript Review

-Life Long Learning Goals - Personal and Professional

-Senior Exit Survey

-Clear all High School Computer/Google Files needed and transfer to personal records

-Exit HS Interview, cumulative file review and ACP review

-Showcase of ACP - electronic, web based, paper, portfolio options