Year 9 Course Information Hub


St. Mary of the Angels is pleased to present the Year 9 Course Information Hub. This site contains descriptions of the exciting, challenging and many and varied elective studies offered to our students.

Students in Year 9 complete three electives per semester. Each elective runs for three periods per week and for six months in duration.

Students are not permitted to study the same elective over two semesters.

Selecting Units

When students are selecting electives they should read the unit description carefully, talk to their teachers, other students and parents.

They also need to think about:

Students at this level are encouraged to treat these electives as a way of trying out different offerings with the aim of:

There are many advantages at this stage of learning to encourage the exploration of a breadth of studies.

This means trying out subjects from a range of different key learning areas. Some of these benefits include:


All students will receive an email link to submit their subject selections online. Please submit your selections by the date on the Subject Selection Form.

Students and families should be aware that subject selection returns that are late, incomplete or incorrectly filled in may not be considered when subject blockings are formulated.