Options for medications
Teachers and schools are often asked by parents to administer medication for their children while at school. It is important that such requests are managed in a manner that is appropriate, ensures the safety of learners, and fulfils the duty of care of staff.
If learners require medication during school hours, parents are encouraged to come to school to administer medicines to their own child and consider whether they can administer medication outside the school day, such as before and after school and before bed.
Policies and Procedures for Medical Management
Our school has a clear set of policies and procedures for the management of medical conditions at school, including for the administering of medication.
Medication must not be administered to a learner unless a Medication Authority Form is authorised by an authorised Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) registered health / medical practitioner, except in exceptional circumstances, for example, short-term (1-2 days) requirements.
Any long-term medication, such as Ritalin, must be accompanied by medical plans, which are devised through PSG meetings.
How to have medication administered at school
If administering medications at home is not possible, then:
Print out and complete the Medication Authority Form.
Have the completed form signed off by a medical professional if possible.
Bring the completed Authority Form and the medication (in its original packaging or container, and with pharmacist's label attached) to the office.
Collect remaining medication once school use is finished.
We will contact parents if medication is left at school, but note that it will be disposed of after its expiry or at the end of the year (whichever is first).