Procedures for drop off and pick up

It is very important to keep everyone, especially our learners, safe before and after school.

Dropping off your child before school

Gates open at 8:30am. No learner should be on the property before this time. Camp Australia provides Outside School Hours Care to supervise children from 7am.

If you use the drop off zone, your child will move to the Play Plaza (and their learning space) on their own. If you want to get out of the car, you should park your car in the carpark.

Once the bell rings at 8:35am, doors will open and everyone is welcome to move into learning spaces:

While you are welcome to wait with your own child near their learning space, no one should be inside a building or learning space until 8:35am. 

Once the music starts playing at 8:43am, all learners must enter via Wominjeka (Office). This ensures they are accounted for when rolls are marked at 8:45am.

Learning spaces:

Prep - Bethsaida

Junior - Compostela & Bunjil

Middle - Penola, Zebedee and Salome

Senior - Camino and MacKillop

Picking your child up after school

The school day does not finish until the bell rings at 3:10pm.

If you need to pick your child up before this time, you must sign them out via Wominjeka.

Gates will open at 3:05pm for parents to enter the Play Plaza, meadow and outdoor spaces. This is the time to safely move to a spot outside your child's learning space.

The way that learners enter their learning spaces before school is the same way they exit when the bell rings.

At 3:10pm, the day ends:

At 3:15pm, any learners who have not been picked up are taken to the Play Plaza. 💡 If you have to collect a number of children, it might be best to wait until 3:15pm to meet them all under the Play Plaza.

At 3:20pm, any learners who are still onsite are taken to Wominjeka (Office). You will need to come to the office door to collect them. Although you may be parked out the front, your child may be stopped from leaving until you are at the front door to collect them.