Late arrivals & early departure

Learners are expected to be unpacked, organised, seated and ready to start learning at 8:45am, when the school day begins. They stay at school until the day ends at 3:10pm. Sometimes learners are late or have to leave early, and we have procedures in place to ensure everyone is safe.

Late arrivals

Arrival between 8:43am and 9:00am

Once the music starts at 8:43am, no learner should enter via the Play Plaza gates.

Learners must enter via Wominjeka (Office), where office staff will record their name, home group and time of arrival.

Learners will be given a Late Slip card, and make their way to their learning space.

Arrival after 9:00am

A parent/guardian must accompany their child into Wominjeka (Office) and sign them in using the Late Arrival/Early Release book.

Once office staff have signed the slip, the learner will be able to move through to their learning space on their own.

Early departure

If you need to pick your child up at any time before 3:10pm on any day:

This process also applies to Assembly days - under no circumstances should parents be collecting children from learning spaces after Assembly.

It is very difficult to arrange for learners to leave during break times, as spaces are locked up while staff have their allocated breaks and children often miss hearing their name over the PA. It is imperative that you collect your child before or after a break, or be wiling to wait if arriving during a break.