Brightspace: What's New

Blackboard to Brightspace

This page is meant to serve as a guide in the transition from Blackboard to Brightspace. The content below shows common tasks/items in Blackboard and the comparative items/tasks in Brightspace. Please don't hesitate to reach out to the DePeters Family Center with any questions. 

Many tools will automatically convert over to Brightspace, this includes Announcements, Assignments, Content, Discussion Board (called Discussions in Brightspace), columns in Grade Center (called Grades in Brightspace), Question Pools (called Question Library in Brightspace), Tests (called Quizzes in Brightspace), Quiz Questions, Rubrics, Survey (called Surveys in Brightspace). 

The items that won't automatically convert are: 

Discussion Boards

In Blackboard, the Discussion looks like this:

Blackboard Discussion Board Structures

In Brightspace, the Discussion structure is below. The main difference is the addition of topics. For most people, you'll create a Forum as the main place for your course discussions and then Topics become the equivalent of Blackboard threads. 

Brightspace Discussion Board Structures

Find additional help with Discussion Boards in Brightspace here

Making Groups

The major difference between Blackboard and Brightspace in groups are the options around the types of groups. In Blackboard, the options are:

In Brightspace, the options are: 

Learn more about Brightspace groups. 

Needs Grading vs. QuickEval

The QuickEval tool in Brightspace is very similar to the Needs Grading tool in Blackboard. Both tools populate new items that need to be graded. The main difference is that the QuickEval tool will allow you to see more statistics and information about submissions and course activity. Learn more about QuickEval on the Brightspace Assignments page

Using Brightspace Discussion Boards as a Journal/Blog Tool

Brightspace doesn't have tools that directly align with the blog or journal tool in Blackboard. But, you can utilize Brightspace groups and discussions to set up a group discussion (i.e. Blackboard blog) or utilize Brightspace assignments to set up a discussion between instructor and students.

Group Discussions

For group discussions, follow the instructions on the discussion documentation page. 

Individual Journals

For 1:1 discussions between instructor and student: we recommend using the Assignments Tool using one of the following approaches: 

Assignment Tool With Multiple Submissions Allowed



Assignment Tool For Each Journal Prompt



Using Brightspace Files as Content Building

In Blackboard the most commonly used content block to build is Item. In Brightspace, the equivalent of Item is File. To add a new file, go to Upload/Create on a module page and then select Create a File. From there, you can build right within the text box, or use the document templates to format your text. You can learn more about building in Brightspace here

Content Area vs. Content Module

In Blackboard, there is the content area whereas in Brightspace there is the content module. The equivalent of Content folders in Blackboard that sit inside a content area is a content sub-module that sits inside a content module). The equivalent of a Blackboard content item which sits inside a content area or folder is a content topic which sits inside a module or submodule.