How To Print

Chrome doesn't currently support the printing of this documentation site. Please use Firefox or Safari.


From Firefox on Desktop: 

Go to the web address box and look for the book icon. Click that icon and you should be brought to a new page in reader mode. From there, go to File, Print. You should be able to customize a preview of the printout before you print. 

Screenshot of a Firefox browser window. Across the top, there is a black bar. In the top left, there are three dots that are red, yellow, and green. To the right of that, there are two tabs. The first says Blackboard-Blackboard Advanced (there is a purple square with white squares inside of it to the left of the text). The second says Search results - Sites Help (with a white G icon to the left of the text). Below that is a gray bar. In the left side of the bar, there are two arrows (one pointing left and one pointing right). The arrow pointing left is selected. To the right, there is a curved arrow and an icon of a home. To the right of that, there is a thin, horizontal gray bar with text inside that says Blackboard - Blackboard Advanced. Behind that, there is a URL bar with a website address in it. To the right of the URL box, there is a white vertical rectangle icon. There is a pink arrow that points to that icon.


From Safari on Desktop: 

Go to the web address bar and look for the page icon (see below). Click that icon and the page will reload with just text. NOTE: Safari will not include images in reader's view. 

Screenshot of Reader View options. The screenshot is a thin, horizontal gray bar. In the top left, there is a white, vertical page icon with a pink outline around it. To the right of that, there is a circle with a white stroke and a plus sign in the middle. To the right, there is text in the center that says Show Reader View. To the right corner, there is a circular arrow icon.

From Safari on iPad or iPhone: 

Go to the web address bar at the top of the page and look for the reader icon (see below). Click that icon and the page will reload into Reader View. From there, click on the Sharrow icon and scroll down to Print.  Note: you may have to connect your printer first. 

Screenshot of an iPad browser. Across the top, there is a gray bar. In the top left, there is text that says 1:32 PM Web Apr 14. To the top right, there is an icon with three curved bars (Wifi), text that says 22%, and the outline of a battery with part of it filled in. Below that, there are two arrows (one pointing left and one pointing right) that are grayed out. To the right, there is an open book icon that is grayed out. To the right, there is a gray button with two "A's" in it. There is a pink outline around the squares. To the right of that is the URL/web address bar. In the right part of the address bar, there is a circular arrow icon. To the right of the address bar, there is a sharrow icon (a square with an arrow pointing up), which has a pink outline. Below the sharrow icon, there is a menu opened. The menu has a black background. Across the top is text that says Rochester's Fourth of July fireworks co... and There is blue text to the right that says Options with an arrow pointing right. In front of the text, there is a white square with text that says "D&C." Below that, there are menu options. The optionsn are Add to Favorites (with a white outline of a star to the right); Find on Page (with a white magnifying glass icon to the right); and Add to Home Screen (with a square with a white outline with a plus inside). Between each of those options, there is a horizontal line. After the last option, there is a space. After the space, there are two additional options. They are Markup (with a circle with a white stroke and a paintbrush icon to the right) and Print (with a printer icon to the right). There is a pink outline around Print and the print icon.
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