How To Print
Chrome doesn't currently support the printing of this documentation site. Please use Firefox or Safari.
From Firefox on Desktop:
Go to the web address box and look for the book icon. Click that icon and you should be brought to a new page in reader mode. From there, go to File, Print. You should be able to customize a preview of the printout before you print.
From Safari on Desktop:
Go to the web address bar and look for the page icon (see below). Click that icon and the page will reload with just text. NOTE: Safari will not include images in reader's view.
From Safari on iPad or iPhone:
Go to the web address bar at the top of the page and look for the reader icon (see below). Click that icon and the page will reload into Reader View. From there, click on the Sharrow icon and scroll down to Print. Note: you may have to connect your printer first.