
Qualtrics is an online survey tool offering an easy user interface solution to create, distribute, and send surveys. It can also do complex research projects and analyze data within the tool as well as exporting data to SPSS, Excel and GoogleDrive. All faculty, staff, and students have access and need to create an account.

How To Access Qualtrics:

Get Started Using Qualtrics

Note: Once a student has the right to distribute a survey, those rights apply for all future surveys as well. 

Additional Documentation:

Browse the high-quality tutorials and resources available, provided by the Qualtrics Support Site:

How do I collaborate my survey?

The Collaborate feature with users within our organization allows you to share your survey. From the projects pane, click on the 3 dots… and select collaborate.  

More info on this feature can be found via Qualtrics: https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/my-projects/sharing-a-project/

Can I use Qualtrics for appointment sign-ups?

Scheduling an event with multiple dates and times for individuals to sign up, but you only want a certain number to sign-up per each choice.  You can create Multiple Choice question(s) where the choices disappear as they are selected.  Ensuring only one person at a time can select a time slot. 

Learn more about Quotas and setting display logic for each choice!

More info on this feature can be found via Qualtrics: https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/common-use-cases-rc/appointment-event-registration-surveys/

 When using educational technology tools, be FERPA aware. To learn more, visit the Registrar's FERPA Guidelines site.