Brightspace: Groups

The Brightspace Groups tool allows instructors to put students into groups for assignments, discussions, and to create a centralized place for students to share/engage with one another. 

Create New Groups

Screenshot the Enrollment Type options for Brightspace groups. There is bolded text to the left that says Enrollment Type. Below that is a gray rectangle with text in it. Each piece of text is on its own line. The options are Number of Groups (dash) No Auto Enrollments, Groups of Numbers, Numbers of Groups, Groups of Number (dash) Self Enrollment, Number of Groups (dash) Self Enrollment, Number of Groups Capacity of Numbers (dash) Self Enrollment, and Single user member (dash) specific groups.
Screenshot of the Brightspace Groups page. There is text to the left that says Categories. Below that is a thin dropdown box with text inside that says Test Three. Below that is blue text that says Test Three. In parenthesis to the right of this is the number three. To the right of that, there is a gray box with an arrow icon pointing down. There is a pink box around this. There is a white dialog box opened. There is a pink box around the option in the dialog box that says Enroll Users.

Creating Group Discussions

Creating group discussions requires two steps: creating your groups and then setting up the discussion. Follow the steps above to create your discussion then follow the instructions below to set up your discussion.