Egalitarian Party

Player Description

The Egalitarian Party views aristocracy as anathema to freedom, seeking to distribute Galt's wealth to all citizens. Viewing Le Commune as a prototype for all of Galt, the party wishes to expand the model, having small local communes band together and support each other under the guidance of an impartial national committee. The party enjoys a lot of support among the poorest in Galt: those that seek to be viewed and live as equal members of society. Opponents of the party say that Le Commune only works because of its small size and dedication to Erastil, and that egalitarian government on a country-wide scale is nothing but a pipe dream. Others say that the national committee will stifle individual freedoms for the "greater good."

The Egalitarian party is headed by Irina Garreau, a junior senator that has become the face of her party over the last eight years. Her upbringing in Le Commune has taught her how to exercise the influence of her relatively small party, increasing the small party's influence in recent years.