Customised Course Modules

Around March-end each year we help companies to deploy their AOP & KRA strategies supported by annual training-calendar 

so that AOP is executed in a time-bound manner across the company. 

Do mail your specific needs so that we can send you custom-specific details of the following training modules. 

Also available at concessional fees: SOHO Modern-Gurukul style personal-coaching to a small-focused-group primarily in INDIVIDUAL capacity.

Partial-list of modules of some coaching we have done:

Module 01.1 Kaizen Awareness 

Module 01.3 Kaizen for Performance Excellence (Top Management)

Module 01.3 Kaizen: A key to improve Performance Quality, Productivity And Profitability

Module 01.31 Kaizen Awareness & CA-Current Assessment 

Module 01.5 Kaizen Awareness & Gemba Kaizen

Module 02.1 Plant round for Current Assessment (CA) of CA-PDCA Audit

Module 02.2 Interim-Audit Support by PDCA Audits

Module 03.1 Lean Implementation plan

Module 03.21 Team Alignment Fitness Meter

Module 04.1 Top Management Kaizen Alignment

Module 04.2 Advanced Kaizen: Turbo-Kaizen Projects deployed from Hoshin-Kanri

Module 05.1 Train-The-Trainers - Overview

Module 05.3 Top management PQI: Personal-Quality-Initiative

Module 06.2 Seven-step Kobetsu-Kaizen & SGA: Small-Group-Activity

Module 06.20 Team Based Management 

Module 06.21 Seven-step Kaizen & SGA Quality Circle

Module 06.21a SGA Quality Circle using 7-Quality-Tools

Module 06.21 Seven-step Planning-n-Time Management Skills

Module 06.22 Seven-step Innovation Management

Module 06.23 Planning, Organising-n-Time Management Skills

Module 06.3 Core-Team Gemba-Kaizens

Module 06.31 Core-Team Turbo-Kaizen Blitz - Improve Kaizen Quality

Module 06.33 Kaizen Awareness For Union leaders

Module 06.34 Gemba-Kaizen for working associates

Module 06.4 PQI by Internal customer delight Kaizens

Module 06.41 PQI & Leadership Management

Module 06.42 BMT & Negotiation Skills

Module 06.61 Gemba Kaizen for Suppliers in Value-Chain 

Module 08.1 Kaizen Monitor & Weekly Review Meeting

Module 09.1 Daily QCM for daily management (Nichijo-Kanri)

Module 09.2 Daily QCM Monitor - Audit

Module 10.0 BMT Leadership styles

Module 11.1 Kaizen-Audit training

Module 11.2 Kaizen-Audit - Gap Analysis

Module 11.4.1 Kaizen Visits to learning organisations 

Module 11.4.2 On-going Learning (Kaizen CLOCK)

Module 11.4.4 Audit-Gap Analysis Kaizen CLOCK

Module 12.1 Kobetsu Kaizen: Process Mapping Kaizens for Business


Module 13.10 Five-S in 5-days

Module 13.11 Five-S Journey to TPM,TQC,JIT - 5-keys to Improvement

Module 13.12 Deployment of Jishu-Hozen

Module OPL: Generate One-Point-Lessons & PDCA Audits

Module 14.10 TPM for Reliable and Just-In-Time Value delivery to Customer

Module 14.11 Preparation for Five-S to TPM 

Module 14.4 Five-S training  programme for Trainers

Module 14.41 Plant-wide Seiri, Seiton focused projects

Module 14.51 Model machine Principles and Practice by TPM 

Module 15.11 Five-S in Office

Module 16.10 TPM in 10-days

Module 18.2 Rationalisation of maintenance practice by TPM 

Module 19.11 Nichijo-Kanri

Module 20.1 OEE improvement focused projects by TPM 

Module 21.1 Reactive FMEAs focused projects

Module 22.1 Proactive FMEAs focused projects

Module 23.1 Hoshin-Kanri & Benchmarking

Module 26.1 Five-S Audit-cum-level fixing-and-training

Module 29.11 Quality Maintenance focused projects

Module 29.13 QFD: Quality Function Deployment focused projects

Module 30.0 Pokayoke For Zero-Defect Operations

Module 33.10 Initial-Flow-Control

Module 35 SMED For Quick Response

Module 36.1 Just-In-Time Operations

Reiki in Stress Management