

Admiraal, W. et al. (2019). IoT Rapid Proto Labs: Cross-border mutlidiscplinary students groups in higher education. In The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational & Social Sciences (EPESS), 2019, 12, 1-6. ICRESS publishing. [Open Access

Brink, S. C., Georgsson, F., Thomson, G., Hei, M. S. A. de, Sjoer, E., & Admiraal, W. F. (2019). Mapping current curricular changes in European engineering education. In B.V. Nagy, M. Murphy, H-M. Järvinen, & A. Kálmán (Eds.), Proceedings of the SEFI 47th Annual Conference Complexity is the new normality - Research Papers (pp. 1447-1457). Brussels: SEFI.


Admiraal, W., Kester, L., Janssen, C., Jonge, M. de, Post, L., & Lockhorst, D. (2018). Personalizing learning with mobile technology in secondary education. In I.A Sánchez & P. Isaias (Eds.), Proceedings of 14th International Conference Mobile Learning 2018 (pp. 62-69). IADIS Press.

Zee, T. van der, Davis, D., Saab, N., Giesbers, B., Ginn, J., Sluis, F. van der, Paas, F., & Admiraal, W. (2018). Evaluating retrieval practice in a MOOC: How writing and reading summaries of videos affects student learning. LAK'18 Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (pp. 216-225). New York: ACM.


Khalil, M., Ebner, M., & Admiraal, W. (2017). How can gamification improve MOOC students engagement?. Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Game Based Learning (pp. 819-828). Reading , UK : Academic Publishing Limited.

Wurth, A., Admiraal, W., Jong, J. de, Hulshof, H., & Tigelaar, D. (2017). Ontwerpcriteria voor effectief spreekvaardigheidsonderwijs: de rol van feedback. In 31st Conferentie Nederlands (pp. 83-87). Zwolle: HSN Taalunie. [Open Access]


Meirink, J.M., Smit, B., Admiraal, W.,  Sligte, H., Emmelot, Y., Schenke, W., & Buisman, M. (2016). Het mes snijdt aan twee kanten? De mogelijke bijdrage van onderzoek aan de optimalisering van Professionele Leergemeenschappen in het VO. In I. Placklé & W. Cools (red.), Professioneel leren in en door onderzoek. Congresboek, (pp. 321-322). Brussel: VUB.

Wurth, A., Jong, J. de, Hulshof, H., Tigelaar, D., & Admiraal, W. (2016). Naar een betere mondelinge taalvaardigheid. Het belang van feedback. In A.Mottart & S. Vanhooren (eds.), 30st Conferentie Nederlands (pp. 284-288). Gent: HSN Taalunie. [Open Access]


Admiraal, W., Bulterman-Bos, J., Janssen, T., Smit, B., & Zwart, R. (2014). Moving beyond practical wisdom: Teacher research in secondary education. (aera14_proceeding_682330.pdf). In online repository of the American Educational Research Association.

Admiraal, W., Huisman, B., Saab, N., Smit, B., Theeuwes, B., Van der Ven, M., Van Driel, J., & Van der Rijst, R. (2014). Self- and peer assessment in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). In R. Ørngreen & K.T. Levinsen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on e‐Learning ECEL‐2014(pp. 1-10). Reading, UK: Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited.

Admiraal, W., Janssen, T., Huizenga, J., Kranenburg, F., Taconis, R., & Corda, A. (2014). Non satis scire: To know is not enough. e-Assessment of student-teachers’ competence as new teachers. In M. Kalz & E. Raz (Eds.), CAA 2014 Communications in Computer and Information Science (pp. 15-27). Springer International Publishing, Switzerland.


Admiraal, W., Brouwer, P., Dobber, M. Vandyck, I., & Lockhorst, D. (2012). Online workspaces to support teacher communities in secondary schools. In I. Roceanu (Ed.), Leveraging technology for learning (Vol. 1). Online conference proceedings of the 8th International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education (eLSE) (pp. 408–413). Bucharest, Romania: Editura Universitara.

Admiraal, W., Janssen, T., Beishuizen, J., Bulterman-Bos, J., Jongejan, W., & Zwart, R. (2012). The future of HRD in secondary schools: teachers’ workplace learning to merge teaching and research. In the online conference archives of University Forum for Human Resource Development (UFHRD).


Admiraal, W., Brouwer, P., Dobber, M., Lockhorst, D., & Vandyck, I. (2011). Collaborative cultures in education: sense of community of teachers and student teachers (aera11_proceeding_439682.pdf). In online repository of the American Educational Research Association.

Admiraal, W., Huizenga, J., Reitenbach, M., Rosenthal, S., Volman, M., & Dam, G. ten. (2011). Gender differences and game-based learning in secondary education. In G. Vanthournout, L. Coertjens, V. Donche, D. Gijbels, C. Evans., E. Cools, & H. Pedrosa de Jesus (Eds.), Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of Education, Learning, Styles, Individual differences Network (ELSIN) (pp. 90-96). Antwerp: University of Antwerp.

Admiraal, W., & Swart, J. (2011). Learning styles, motivation and performance: differences between two school levels in Dutch secondary education. In G. Vanthournout, L. Coertjens, V. Donche, D. Gijbels, C. Evans., E. Cools, & H. Pedrosa de Jesus (Eds.), Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of Education, Learning, Styles, Individual differences Network (ELSIN) (pp. 81-89). Antwerp: University of Antwerp.

Huizenga, J., Admiraal, W., & Dam, G. ten. (2011). Merging digital and urban play spaces: Learning by playing and creating location-based games in secondary education. In D. Gouscos & M. Meimaris (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Games Based Learning (pp. 703-709).Reading , UK : Academic Publishing Limited.


Admiraal, W., Boesenkool, F., Duin, G. van, & Kamp, M. T. van de. (2010). Video narratives. Creativity and growth in teacher education. In M. Montané & J. Salazar (Eds.), ATEE 2009 annual conference proceedings (pp. 390–403). Brussels: ATEE aisbl.


Admiraal, W., Janssen, J., Gielis, A. M., & Pijls, M. (2008). Transfer between learning and practice: The use of web-based video in higher education. In the online conference archives of University Forum for Human Resource Development (UFHRD).

Gielis, A. M., & Admiraal, W. F. (2008). Assessment of teacher competencies using a video portfolio. In online Proceedings ePortfolio and Digital Identity Conference Maastricht. Champlost, France: Eifel.

Huizenga, J., Admiraal, W., Akkerman, S, Dam, G. ten. (2008). Cognitive and affective effects of learning History by playing a mobile game. In M. Stanfield & T. Connolly (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Games-Based Learning (pp. 207-212). Reading, United Kingdom: Academic Publishing ltd.

Lockhorst, D., Pol, J. van der, & Admiraal, W. (2008). A descriptive model of teacher communities. In Online conference proceedings Networked Learning Conference.


Huizenga, J., Admiraal, W., Akkerman, S., & Dam, G. ten. (2007). Learning History by playing a mobile city game. In D. Remenyi (Ed.), Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Game-Based Learning (pp. 127–134). Reading, United Kingdom: Academic Conferences Limited.

Huizenga, J., Admiraal, W., Akkerman, S., & Dam, G. ten. (2007). Learning History by playing a mobile city game. In A. Popova (Ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd Technology-enhanced Learning Enlargement Workshop (pp. 31-41). Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press.


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Admiraal, W., Akkerman, S., & Lam, I. (2005). Practitioner views on continuing professional development in ICT in education: teachers’ workplace learning and workplace affordances. In the online conference archives of University Forum for Human Resource Development (UFHRD).

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Admiraal, W., Berg, I. van den, & Pilot, A. (2003). Do’s en don’ts van peer assessment in universitair onderwijs. In H. Oost & S. Wils (red.), Kennis ontwikkelen (pp. 257-266). Utrecht, Nederland: IVLOS Universiteit Utrecht.

Berg, I. van den., Admiraal, W., & Pilot, A. (2003). Peer assessment in university teaching. An exploration of useful designs. In online proceedings of the European Conference onf educational research, Hamburg, 2003.

Pol, J. van der, Admiraal, W., & Simons, R. J. (2003). Grounding in electronic discussions: Standard (threaded) versus anchored discussion. In  B. Wasson, S. Ludvigsen, & U. Hoppe (Eds.), Designing for change in networked learning environments (pp. 77-82). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer A.P.


Lockhorst, D., Admiraal W., Pilot, A., & Veen, W. (2002). Design elements for a CSCL-environment in a teacher training programme. In D.M. Watson & J. Andersen (Eds.), Networking the learner. Computers in education (pp. 745-754). Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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