

2018 Leiden Delft Rotterdam Alliance. Masterclass Strategisch leiderschap (Masterclass Strategic leadership)

2017 Leiden University. Leergang Academisch Leiderschap (Module Academic leadership)

2012 University of Amsterdam. University teaching license

2010 University of Amsterdam. Cursus Vertrouwenspersoon Universiteit van Amsterdam (Module Institutional Counsellor)

1996 University of Bristol. Course MLwiN

1989 – 1994 Utrecht University. PhD Social Sciences (Award best dissertation Educational Sciences in the Netherlands and Flanders)

1981 – 1988 University of Amsterdam. MSc Social and Work Psychology (propedeuse, kandidaats, doctoraal)

1976 – 1981 Petrus Canisius College Alkmaar. Gymnasium a


2022 - Oslo Metropolitan University. Full professor Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning, Centre for the Study of Professions

2016 - 2022 Leiden University. Director, ICLON – Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching

2012 - 2022 Leiden University. Full Professor Teaching and Teacher Education, ICLON – Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching

2006 – 2012 University of Amsterdam. Associate professor, Graduate School of Teaching and Learning

1996 – 2006 Utrecht University. Assistant professor, IVLOS Institute of Education

1992 – 1996 Utrecht University. Researcher, IVLOS Institute of Education

1989 – 1994 Utrecht University. PhD-student, IVLOS Institute of Education

1987 – 1989 University of Amsterdam. Research assistant, Department of Psychology


Visiting professorships

2024 Tongji University, Shanghai, China. Visiting professor

2023 Tongji University, Shanghai, China. Visiting professor 

2006 Can Tho University, Can Tho, Vietnam. Visiting professor

1998  Swansea University, Swansea, Wales. Visiting research fellow

1997  University of Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica. Visiting research fellow



2018 Dutch-Flemish award best dissertation supervisor in Educational Sciences

1995  Dutch-Flemish award best dissertation in Educational Sciences in year 1994

1994 - 2022 Member of the KNAW acknowledged Dutch ICO National School for Educational Research 


Editorial boards

Editor-in-chief of The European Educational Researcher

Editor-in-chief of International Journal on Studies in Education

Editor-in-chief of International Journal of Research in Education and Science

Associate editor Teaching and Teacher Education

Associate editor Learning and Instruction

Editorial board of Frontline Learning Research

Editorial board of Technology, Pedagogy and Education 

Editorial board of Humanities

Review board of Electronic Journal of e-Learning

Other boards and committees

Leadership board Centre for the Study of Professions

Conference committee of the 23th European Conference on eLearning (ECEL), 24-25 October 2024, Porto, Portugal

Conference committee of the International Conference on Studies in Education and Social Sciences (ICSES), 7-10 November 2024, Istanbul, Türkiye

Conference committee of the International Conference on Studies in Engineering, Science, and Technology (ICSEST), 7-10 November 2024, Istanbul, Türkiye

Previous boards

2018-2022 Advisory board of Teacher resilience (Groningen University) financed by Dutch Research Council 

2016-2022 President of the Netherlands Educational Research Association (VOR)

2016-2022 European Educational Research Association Council member (EERA)

2016-2022 Advisory board Archief en Documentatiecentrum NederlandseGedragswetenschappen 

2015-2022 Board member Scientific Committee Medical Education of the Leiden University Medical Center 

2021 Programme council of the  Dutch Research Council (NRO)

2021 Scientific board Nationaal Programma Onderwijs (NPO) / National Education Programme of the Netherlands

2021 Board of Regional Alliance Zuid-Holland 

2020 2021 Steering board  Arena Teacher edcuation of the EUniWELL network - European University for Well-Being

2020 2021 Expert board of 'Awareness of Student’s Skills: an Employability Toolkit for the Humanities (ASSET-H) financed by Erasmus+ 

2020 - 2021 Board of KNAW acknowledged ICO National School for Educational Research 

2020 - 2021 Curatorium Chair e-Learning in primary and secondary education (Stichting Kennisnet

2020 - 2021 Advisory board of NRO-PO-raad project Evaluation knowledge infrastructure (Verwey Jonker Institute Utrecht) 

2018 - 2021 Advisory board of NSO Netherlands School of School leadership 

2017 - 2021 Steering board EuroHub network of Imperial College London, Tartu University, University College London, University of Helsinki, Utrecht University, and Leiden University 

2016 - 2021 Chair management board of ICLON Graduate School of Teaching, Leiden University 

2016 - 2021 Board member Curatorium Chair Huisartsgeneeskunde, in het bijzonder onderzoek naar opleiden (Stichting SBOH

2016 - 2021 Board of the Opleidingsschool Rotterdam / Partnership schools Rotterdam

2016 - 2021 Board of the Interuniversitaire Commissie Lerarenopleiding  / Dutch Teacher Education Council

2016 - 2021 Convention ambassador Leiden City of Knowledge 

2014 - 2021 Steering committee of Vakdidactiek Geesteswetenschappen / Dutch Council Pedagogies in Humanities

2013 - 2021 Expert committee Wetenschapsknooppunt / Dutch Science Hubs

2013 - 2021 Advisory board Center of Education and Learning, Strategic Alliance of the universities of Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam 

2017 - 2020 World Educational Research Association representative (WERA)

2017 – 2019 Advisory board of Samenwerking tussen onderwijspraktijk en onderzoek ten behoeve van schoolontwikkeling (Oberon / Utrecht University)

2015 – 2019 Advisory board of SOONER (Open University / Utrecht University)

2013 – 2019 Chair the research program of the Center of Education and Learning, Strategic Alliance of the universities of Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam

2011 – 2019 Advisory board of Netherlands Institute of Masters in Education

2017 – 2018 Chair advisory board of Regionaal Steunpunt Leiden /Zuid-Holland

2012 – 2018 Council member of research in higher education (CROHO), Leiden University

2012 – 2018 Board of NSO Netherlands School of School leadership

2011 – 2017 Coordinator of the SIG Teaching and Teacher education of the ICO National School for Educational Research

2012 – 2017 Board of ICO National School for Educational Research

2013 – 2016 Advisory committee of the National Initiative on teacher professional development School aan Zet

2010 – 2016 Management board of ICLON Graduate School of Teaching, Leiden University

2012 – 2016 Chair of the research program Teaching and Teacher learning, ICLON Graduate School of Teaching, Leiden University

2012 – 2016 Chair of the examination board of the Masters teacher education of Leiden University

2012 – 2016 Examination board of the Master of Science Teaching and Learning in Higher Education of VU University Amsterdam

2006 - 2012 Local lead researcher of the international research consortium Students' International Social Competence Assessment (SISA)

2012 – 2013 Steering committee of Non satis scire, a national project on assessment in teacher education financed by SURF foundation

2011 – 2012 Programme Council for ICT and education of the University of Amsterdam

2010 – 2016 Board of the division Learning and Instruction of the VOR Dutch society for educational research

2008 – 2010 Advisory board of Educatief Meesterschap Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, VU University of Amsterdam, Hogeschool van Amsterdam

2006 – 2010 Management board ILO Graduate School of Teaching and Learning, University of Amsterdam

2006 – 2010 Advisory board of the Centre for professional development (CNA), University of Amsterdam and Hogeschool van Amsterdam 

2001 – 2006 Management team Centre for ICT in Higher Education, Utrecht University

1996 – 2001 Management team IVLOS Institute of Education Utrecht University


Previous editorial boards

2021 -2023 Associate editor of Educational Psychology

2018 - 2021 Consulting editor of Educational Psychology

2010 - 2019 Scientific board of Computers in Human Behavior

2016 – 2017 Editorial board of Taalmuseum Leiden

2013 - 2017 Associate editor of International Journal of Higher Education

2016 – 2017 Editor-in-Chief of Pedagogische Studiën

2012 – 2016 Editorial board of Pedagogische Studiën

2006 - 2012 Executive editor of Pedagogische Studiën 

2007 – 2015 Scientific board Journal of Educational Technology & Society

Previous conference committees

2024 Conference President International Conference on Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences (ICHES), 20-23 June 2024, Prague, Czech Republic

2024 Conference President International Conference on Technology, Engineering, and Life Sciences (ICTELS), 20-23 June 2024, Prague, Czech Republic

2024 Conference President International Conference on Research in Education and Science (ICRES), 27-30 April 2024, Antalya, Türkiye

2024 Conference committee International Conference on Humanities, Social and Educational Sciences (IHSES), 16-19 April 2024, San Francisco, USA 

2024 Conference committee International Conference on Life Sciences, Engineering and Technology (ILSET), 16-19 April 2024, San Francisco, USA 

2023 Conference committee of the 22th European Conference on eLearning (ECEL), 26-27 October 2023, Pretoria, South-Africa

2023 Conference committee of the International Conference on Studies in Education and Social Sciences (ICSES), 20-23 October 2023, Antalya, Türkiye 

2023 Conference committee of the International Conference on Studies in Engineering, Science, and Technology (ICSEST), 20-23 October 2023, Antalya, Türkiye 

2023 Conference President International Conference on Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (ICHES), 20-23 July, Amsterdam, the Netherlands 

2023 Conference President International Conference on Technology, Engineering and Life Sciences (ICTELS), 20-23 July, Amsterdam, the Netherlands 

2023 Conference President International Conference on Research in Education and Science (ICRES), 18-21 May, Antalya, Türkiye 

2023 Conference committee International Conference on Humanities, Social and Educational Sciences (IHSES), 13-16 April Denver, USA 

2023 Conference committee International Conference on Life Sciences, Engineering and Technology (ILSET), 13-16 April Denver, USA

2022 Conference committee  International Conference on Studies in Education and Social Sciences (ICSES), November 10-13, Antalya, Türkiye 

2022 Conference committee  International Conference on Studies in Engineering, Science and Technology (ICSEST), November 10-13, Antalya, Türkiye 

2022 Conference committee of the 21th European Conference on eLearning (ECEL), 27-28 October, Brighton, United Kingdom 

2022 Conference committee International Conference on Humanities, Social and Educational Sciences (IHSES), 21-24 April, Los Angeles, USA

2022 Conference committee International Conference on Life Sciences, Engineering and Technology (ILSET), 21-24 April, Los Angeles, USA

2022 Conference President International Conference on Research in Education and Science (ICRES), 24-27 March, Antalya, Türkiye 

2021 Conference committee  International Conference on Studies in Education and Social Sciences (ICSES), November 11-14, Antalya, Türkiye 

2021 Conference committee  International Conference on Studies in Engineering, Science and Technology (ICSEST), November 11-14, Antalya, Türkiye 

2021 Conference committee of the 20th European Conference on eLearning (ECEL), 28-29 October, Berlin, Germany 

2021 Conference committee of the 15th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL), 23-24 September, Brighton, UK 

2021 Conference committee International Conference on Humanities, Social and Educational Sciences (IHSES), 22-25 April New York, USA 

2021 Conference committee International Conference on Life Sciences, Engineering and Technology (ILSET), 22-25 April New York, USA 

2021 Co-chair International Conference on Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology (ICMST), 1-4 April, Antalya, Türkiye  (virtual)

2021 Conference President International Conference on Research in Education and Science (ICRES), 1-4 April , Antalya, Türkiye  (virtual)

2020 Conference committee  International Conference on Studies in Education and Social Sciences (ICSES), December 3-6, Istanbul, Türkiye 

2020 Conference committee  International Conference on Studies in Engineering, Science and Technology (ICSEST), December 3-6, Istanbul, Türkiye

2020 Conference committee of the 19th European Conference on eLearning (ECEL), 29-30 November, Berlin, Germany (virtual)

2020 Conference committee of the 14th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL), 25-26 September, Brighton, UK (virtual)

2020 Conference committee International Conference on Humanities, Social and Educational Sciences (IHSES), 15-19 July, Washington, USA

2020 Conference committee International Conference on Life Sciences, Engineering and Technology (ILSET), 15-19 July, Washington, USA 

2020 Scientific committee chair of the Vietnam Education Symposium 2020, Tomorrow Schools – Future Citizens, 9 June, online

2019 Conference committee of the 13th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL), 3-4-October, Odense, Denmark

2019 Conference committee of the 18th European Conference on eLearning (ECEL),7-8 November, Copenhagen, Denmark

2018 Conference committee of the 17th European Conference on eLearning (ECEL), 1-2 November, Athens, Greece

2018 Conference committee of the 12th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL), 4-5-October, Sophia Antipolis, France

2017 Conference committee of the 11th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL), 5-6 October, Graz, Austria

2017 Conference committee of the 16th European Conference on eLearning (ECEL), 26-27 October, Porto, Portugal

2016 Conference committee of the 15th European Conference on eLearning (ECEL), 27-28 October, Prague, Czech Republic

2016 Conference committee of the 10th European Conference on Game Based Learning (ECGBL), 6-7 October, Paisley, Scotland

2016 Conference committee of the 3rd European Conference on Social Media (ECSM), 12-13 July, Caen, France

2015 Conference committee of the 14th European Conference on eLearning (ECEL), 29-30 October, Hatfield, United Kingdom

2015 Conference committee of the 9th European Conference on Game Based Learning (ECGBL), 8-9 October, Steinkjer, Norway

2015 Conference committee of the 2nd European Conference on Social Media, (ECSM), 9-10 July, Porto, Portugal

2015 Scientific committee member of the 2nd conference on e-Technologies in Engineering Education (eTEE), 30 April, Gdansk, Poland

2014 Conference committee of the 13th European Conference on eLearning (ECEL), 30-31 October, Copenhagen, Denmark

2014 Conference committee of the 8th European Conference on Game Based Learning (ECGBL), 9-10 October, Berlin, Germany

2014 Conference committee of inaugural European Conference on Social Media, (ECSM), 10-11 July, Brighton, United Kingdom

2013 Conference committee of the 12th European Conference on eLearning (ECEL), 30-31 October, Sophia Antipolis, France

2013 Conference committee and Mini-track chair Social inclusiveness of games for learning of the 7th European Conference on Game Based Learning (ECGBL), 3-4 October, Porto, Portugal

2012 Conference committee of the 11th European Conference on eLearning (ECEL), 26-27 October, Groningen, the Netherlands

2012 Conference committee of the 6th European Conference on Game Based Learning (ECGBL), 4-5 October, Cork, Ireland

2012 Conference committee of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Digital Games and Intelligent Toys Enhanced Learning (DIGITEL 2012), 27-30 March, Takamatsu, Japan

2011 Conference committee of the 10th European Conference on eLearning (ECEL), 10-11 November, Brighton, England  

2011 Conference committee of the 5th European Conference on Game Based Learning (ECGBL), 20-21 October, Athens, Greece

2011 Conference committee of the 6th International Conference on E-Learning and Games Edutainment, 7-9 September, Taipei, Taiwan

2010 Conference committee of the 4th European Conference on Games Based Learning, 21-22 October, Copenhagen, Denmark

2010 Conference committee of DIGITEL 2010, International Conference on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning, 12-16 April, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

2009 Conference committee of the 3rd European Conference on Game-Based Learning, Graz, Austria

2009 Programme Committee of EARLI, August, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2008 Conference committee of the 2nd European Conference on Game-Based Learning, Barcelona, Spain

2008 Conference committee of the Open Workshop of Ten Competence, Algarve, Portugal

2007 Conference committee Dutch national conference for teacher educators (Velon), Amsterdam


Juries and assessment committees

2024 Review committee of Cariparo Foundation 2023, Italy

2024 Review committee of the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Sweden

2024 Review committee of Swiss National Science Foundation, Switserland

2023 Review committee of Swiss National Science Foundation, Switserland

2023 Review committee of Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences, Kuwait  

2023 External Evaluation Committee Bachelor and Master Educational Sciences, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands

2023 Review committee of the Programme for Development Research of the Academy of Finland 

2023 External Evaluation Committee Teacher Education Masters, VU Brussels, Belgium 

2023 External Evaluation Committee Teacher Education Masters, KU Leuven, Belgium 

2023 Review committee of the Israel Science Foundation, Israel 

2022 Chair assessment committee Learn! VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands 

2022 Review committee of the Research Council for Culture and Society of the Academy of Finland 

2021 External Evaluation Committee Frederick University, Limassol, Cyprus

2020 External Evaluation Committee University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus

2020 Review committee of United Arab Emirates University research grants

2020 Review committee of VENI program Social and Behavioral Sciences of Dutch Research Foundation NWO-SGW

2020 Chair review committee Comenius Teaching Fellow Dutch Research Foundation NRO

2020 Review committee of the Research Council for Culture and Society of the Academy of Finland

2019 - 2022 Review panel of the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), Belgium

2019 Review committee of individual fellowship program of Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study  in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS)

2019 Jury NRO-Onderwijsprijs voor leraren [annual teacher award Netherlands Research Foundation]

2019 Jury NRO-VOR-Praktijkprijs voor onderzoekers [annual researcher award Netherlands Research Foundation]

2019 Jury Leiden Teacher Academy candidates 2019

2019 Review committee of VIDI program Behavioral Sciences of Dutch Research Foundation NWO-SGW

2019 Review committee Research Council KU Leuven, Belgium

2019 Chair review committee Comenius Teaching Fellow Dutch Research Foundation NRO

2019 Review committee of the Research Council for Culture and Society of the Academy of Finland

2019 Review committee of the Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship , Belgium

2018 Jury NRO-Onderwijsprijs voor leraren [annual teacher award Netherlands Research Foundation]

2018 Jury NRO-VOR-Praktijkprijs voor onderzoekers [annual researcher award Netherlands Research Foundation]

2018 Chair midterm review committee lectoraat Vernieuwingsonderwijs, Saxion Hogeschool, Deventer

2018 Chair review committee Comenius Teaching Fellow Dutch Research Foundation NRO

2018 Chair midterm-review committee Radboud Docenten Academie, Radboud University

2017 Jury NRO-Onderwijsprijs voor leraren [annual teacher award Netherlands Research Foundation]

2017 Jury NRO-VOR-Praktijkprijs voor onderzoekers [annual researcher award Netherlands Research Foundation]

2017 Doctoral affairs committee of the University of Haifa, Israel

2017 Review committee of the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), Belgium

2017 Review committee of the Israel Science Foundation, Israel

2017 Review committee of the Research Council KU Leuven, Belgium

2017 Review committee of SURF foundation, the Netherlands

2015 Review committee of the IMPULS-gelden of the Stichting Confessioneel Onderwijs Leiden (SCOL)

2015 Chair of the assessment committee OPRO Passend onderwijs Langlopend Onderzoek of the Dutch Research Foundation NRO

2014 Review committee of the Vidi-proposals of the Dutch Research Foundation NWO

2014 Review committee of OPRO e-Didactiek Dutch Research Foundation NRO

2014 Chair of the assessment committee OPRO Passend onderwijs Kortlopend Onderzoek of the Dutch Research Foundation NRO

2014 Chair of the assessment committee Evaluatie trainingen potentieel gewelddadige eenlingen of the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice

2013 Review committee of the Research Foundation Flanders (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek – Vlaanderen)

2013 Research review committee Stoas Wageningen | Vilentum Hogeschool, Wageningen

2012 Review committee of the Research Foundation Flanders (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek – Vlaanderen)

2012 Jury chair of the Wetenschapscongres 2012, Leiden, the Netherlands

2008 Advisory board of the tender of the Dutch National Organisation for Scientific Research

2002 Advisory board of the tender of the Dutch National Organisation for Scientific Research

2002 Advisory board of the tender of the Hogeschool Utrecht

2001 Advisory board of the tender of the Dutch National Organisation for Scientific Research


Journal reviews

Action in Teacher Education

Africa Education Review

American Educational Research Journal

Anthropology & Education Quarterly

Applied Computing and Informatics 

Asian Education and Development Studies

Asian Pacific Journal of Education

Asia Pacific Journal of Educators and Education

Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education

Assistive Technology

BMC Medical Education

BMC Nursing

Bolema Boletim de Educação Matemática

British Educational Research Journal

British Journal of Educational Technology

Children and Youth Services Review

Cogent Social Sciences

Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education 

Computer Applications in Engineering Education

Computers & Education

Computers & Education: Artificial Intelligence 

Computers in Human Behavior

Culture & Education

Culture & Psychology

Education, Citizenship and Social Justice

Educational Action Research

Educational Psychology

Educational Psychology Review

Educational Research

Educational Researcher

Educational Research and Evaluation

Educational Research International

Educational Research Review

Educational Review

Educational Studies

Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training

Eurasian Journal of Educational Research

European Journal of Psychology of Education

European Journal of Teacher Education

FEBS Open Bio

Foreign Language Annals

Frontiers in Education

Frontiers in Psychology

Frontline Learning Research

Future Internet

Gifted & Talented International


Higher Education

Higher Education Pedagogies

Higher Education Quarterly


IEEE Transaction of Education

Instructional Science

International Journal of Applied Linguistics

International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism

International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies

International Journal of Educational Development 

International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning

International Journal of Educational Technology & Society

International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education 

International Journal of Higher Education

International Journal of Leadership in Education

International Journal of Information Management

International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design

International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management

International Journal of Science Education

Italian Journal of Educational Technology

Journal of Adolescence

Journal of Business Research

Journal of Computer Assisted Learning

Journal of Educational Change

Journal of Educational Studies

Journal of Experimental Education

Journal of Language and Education

Journal of Medical Internet Research

Journal of Professional Capital & Community 

Journal of Workplace Learning

Journal of Writing Research

Journal of Youth Studies

Knowledge Management Research & Practice

Language Teachng Research

Learning and Individual Differences

Learning and Instruction

Learning Environments Research

Mathematical Problems in Engineering

Metacognition and Learning

Nursing and Health Sciences

Open Education Studies

Pedagogische Studiën


Professional Development in Education

Professionals and Professionalism

Psychology in Russia

Psychology in the Schools

Reflective Practice

Research on Education and Media

Review of Educational Research

Review of Socio-Economic Research and Development Studies 


Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research

School Effectiveness and School Improvement

School Leadership & Management

Smart Learning Environments

Social Behavior and Personality

Social Education Research

Social Science Research

Studies in Educational Evaluation

Teachers College Record

Teaching and Teacher Education

Teaching Education

Technology, Pedagogy and Education

The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher

The European Educational Researcher

The Internet and Higher Education

The New Educator

The Teacher Educator

Tijdschrift voor Hoger Onderwijs

Tijdschrift voor Onderwijsresearch

Transactions on Learning Technologies

Universal Access in the Information Society

Vocations and Learning