EU projects


TEFF-Academy: Teacher Education for a Future in Flux (Erasmus+ Teacher Academies)

There is a need for more student teachers who are ready to enter the profession and work with highly diverse and mobile classrooms. Ten universities, their partner schools, further education providers and government institutions are dedicated to strengthening cross-phased and inter-disciplinary teacher education. The University of Cologne (Germany) is the contractor of this project and OsloMet is one of the participating universities. See project website.



SciLMi: Meta-Scientific Literacies in the (Mis-)Information Age (Erasmus+ Teacher Academies)

Education needs to equip teachers with the necessary competences and attitudes to empower all learners with the meta-scientific literacy skills they need to act as responsible, competent and effective democratic citizens in our increasingly digital world. The consortium with more than 20 universities and community services is lead by the University of Innsbruck (Austria) and OsloMet is one of the participating universities. See project website.

2020 -2021

EUniWell - European University for Well-Being (Erasmus+ European Universities)

EUniWell unites seven European universities from across diverse European regions. The Universities of Birmingham, Cologne, Florence, Leiden, Linnaeus, Nantes, and Semmelweis (Budapest) form the “European University for Well-Being”. Through top-level education and research and its wide range of diverse institutional profiles, this alliance will help to drive transformation to support individual, social and environmental well-being in a global setting. Seed funding: Exploring new territories in academic development: instilling “human literacy” into our educational processes (EUniHuLi).

2018 - 2021

IoT Rapid Proto Labs (Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliances)

IoT Rapid-Proto Labs is a European transnational project bringing Higher Education Institutions and businesses together to accelerate Internet of Things (IoT) product development. The project will create and implement a multidisciplinary (ICT, Design and Electrical Engineering) course curriculum which is focused on real problembased activities (innovative IoT product development for SME’s/Start-ups). Distributed teams of multidisciplinary students (three European countries) will be supported by a Project Arena (web-platform) which enables them to effectively collaborate on rapid-prototyping of IoT products/services. Partners are: Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Universiteit Leiden, Universitatea Politehnika Timisoara, Technische Universiteit Delft, Findaziona Bruno Kessler, 247GradGmbH, and Houston Inc. Consulting Oy. The project is financed by the Erasmus+ program, Knowledge Alliances.

2015 – 2017

Empowering students to European citizenship (Erasmus+)

European R&D-project, financed from the Erasmus+-program, on the development of students’ European citizenship in secondary education. Together with secondary schools from Leiden (Netherlands; contractor), Bremen (Germany), Cagliari (Italy) and San Sebastian (Spain).

2014 – 2017

Travelling Through Time in Europe (Erasmus+)

Project of Gemini-college in Barendrecht and four European schools to develop a game that allows students to discover how Europe has developed and what the future holds for them. This project is financed by Erasmus+-program, Strategic Partnerships KA2 of the European Commission.

2005 – 2007

Elene-tt (e-Learning Action Plan)

This project focused on virtual campus in higher education (Nancy, Bremen, Umea, Barcelona, Helsinki, Milaan, and Utrecht). It was financed by the European e-Learning Action Plan.

2005 – 2007

Work and Learn Together (Leonardo da Vinci programme)

This project focused on the development of digital communities of SMEs in the tourism sector (Tallinn (Est), Baia Mare (Ro), Boekarest (Ro), Ljubljana (Slo), Innsbruck (A), Schwaz (A), Bologna (I), Mondavio (I), Valencia (E), Zoetermeer (NL), Pontypridd (GB), and Utrecht (NL)). It was financed by the European Leonardo da Vinci-programme.

2002 – 2006

ICTVET (Leonardo da Vinci programme)

This project focused on e-Learning and workplace learning in SMEs, financed by the Leonardo da Vinci programme. Partners were from Innsbruck (A), Schwaz (A), Mondavio (I), Valencia (E), Krakow (PL), Stockholm (S), Pontypridd (GB), and Utrecht (NL).

2004 – 2005

Nettle (Erasmus programme)

A European network project on ICT in higher education in Europe with 50 European partners, initiated by the University of Southampton (GB). It was financed by the Erasmus Network programme.

2002 – 2005

Eval-3 (Leonardo da Vinci programme)

European project on models and tools for evaluating ICT in education (6 partners from 6 countries), financed by the Leonardo da Vinci programme.

2001 – 2003

U-learn (e-Learning Action Plan)

Project on the professional development of teachers in secondary education in ICT. It was financed by the European e-Learning Action Plan, with universities of Arhus, Glasgow, Barcelona, Genoa and Utrecht.

2001 – 2003

iLab (e-Learning Action Plan)

This project focused on the professional development of teachers in higher education in ICT. It was partly financed from the European e-Learning Action Plan, with 8 partners from 8 European countries.


REFLECT (4th Framework programme)

Project on the use of technology in teacher education with universities of Barcelona, Exeter, Trondheim en Utrecht. It was financed from the EU Framework programme.