

Admiraal, W. (2024, March). Moving beyond practical wisdom: Teacher research in secondary education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Nordic Educational Research Association, Malmö, Sweden 


Admiraal, W., Saab, W., Atal, D., & Theeuwes, B. (2023, August). Virtual Reality to support the development of student-teachers’ classroom management skills. Paper presented at the biennial EARLI Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece. 

Admiraal, W. (2023, May). Trends and possibilities of technology enhanced teaching and learning. Invited keynote. International Conference on Educational development. Trends and Challenges in Medical and Health Sciences Education, 2023, Budapest, Hungary. 

Admiraal, W (2023, March). A cross-country perspective on teachers’ working conditions in school and their job satisfaction in the Nordics. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Nordic Educational Research Association, Oslo, Norway. 

Admiraal, W., Afdal, H., Schaik, P. van, Schenke, W., & Lockhorst, D. (2023, March). Interplay of school stakeholders in school development. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Nordic Educational Research Association, Oslo, Norway. 

Admiraal, W., Nagel, I., Schoots, A., Haenen, J., Kusters, M., & Zenouzagh, Z.M. (2023, March). An ecological approach on agency in education: A cross-country perspective on student and teacher agency. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Nordic Educational Research Association, Oslo, Norway. 


Admiraal, W.,, Guo, P., & Van der Rijst, R. (2022,, October). Students’ and teachers’ perceptions of hybrid teaching in university: a multiple case study from the Netherlands. Paper presented at the European Conference on e-Learning, Brighton, UK.

Admiraal, W. (2022, September). Break out your room? On technology-enhanced teaching and learning, students’ sense of belonging and their engagement. Inaugural lecture (Tiltredelsesforelesning) at Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo, Norway.  See Utdanningsnytt, Partnerscience.norway. 

Admiraal, W. (2022, August). Early-career teachers’ workplace support and their feelings of distress. Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), 23-25 August 2022, Erevan Armenia. 

Admiraal, W. (2022, August). The value of hybrid approaches to teaching in higher education. Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), 23-25 August 2022, Erevan Armenia. 

Admiraal, W. (2022, juli). Break out your room! Betrokkenheid van leerlingen, studenten en docenten in online onderwijs. Keynote op de Onderwijsresearchdagen, 6-8 juli, Hasselt, België. 


Admiraal, W. (2021, June). Education for IoT. Panel presentation at the 2021 IEEE international workshop on metrology for industry 4.0 and IoT, Rome. Virtual event.

Admiraal, W. (2021, April). Student-teachers’ stress and well-being in teacher education: Coping with emotionally challenging work as a teacher. Keynote at the International Conference on Research in Education and Science, Antalya, Turkey. Virtual event.

Admiraal, W. (2021, maart). Werkplaatsen Onderwijsonderzoek. Webinar op Jubileumcongres Didactief, 24 maart 2021.


Admiraal, W. (2020, oktober). Discussiant. Online eindconferentie Werkplaats Onderwijsonderzoek Utrecht, 6 oktober 2020.

Admiraal, W. (2020, June). Technology-enhanced teaching to promote students’ active learning. Exploring new practices or consolidating teaching from the pre-COVID-19 era? Invited panellist at the online ASVE Vietnam Education Symposium 2020. Virtual event.

Admiraal, W. (2020, maart). School als Professionele Leergemeenschap. Lezing op het Kennisfestival Minsterie van OCW, 12 maart 2020, Den Haag.

Admiraal, W. (2020. januari). Panellid van het Socratische gesprek “Moeten leraren beter worden toegerust om digitaal geletterd te zijn?”. OnderwijsInzicht, 16 januari 2020, Utrecht.

Admiraal, W., Jong, L. de, Schenke, W., & Sligte, H. (2020, februari). Bouwen aan de school als professionele leergemeenschap. Workshop op het symposium Leraar een professie met perspectief, 4 februari 2020, Utrecht.


Admiraal, W. (2019, October). A typology of student-teachers' coping with stressful classroom events. Paper presented at the International Conference on Recent Social Studies and Research (ICSRS), Rome, Italy.

Admiraal, W. (2019, juni). Discussiant symposium Werkplaatsen. Onderwijsonderzoek en professionele ontwikkeling van leerkrachten. Onderwijsresearchdagen, 28-30 juni 2019, Heerlen, Nederland.

Admiraal, W., Lockhorst, D., Janssen, C., Louws, M., Post, L., & Kester, L. (2019, April). Tablets in secondary schools: Supporting learning of both boys and girls? Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Gender Research, Rome, Italy.

Admiraal, W. et al. (2019,  February). IoT Rapid Proto Labs: A design study on cross-border mutlidiscplinary students groups in higher education. Paper presented at the International Congress on Education and Social Sciences (ICRESS), Lisbon, Portugal.


Admiraal, W. (2018, juni). Discussiant symposium De impact van professionaliseringstrajecten op leraren en scholen. Onderwijsresearchdagen, 13-15 juni 2018, Nijmegen, Nederland.

Admiraal, W. (2018, april). Condities in school die bijdragen aan leren van leraren. Keynote op het PLG- symposium, 5 april 2018, Amsterdam.

Admiraal, W., Kester, L., Janssen, C., Jonge, M. de, Post, L., & Lockhorst, D. (2018, April). Personalizing learning with mobile technology in secondary education. Full paper presented at the IADIS Mobile Learning Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.


Admiraal, W., Vermeulen, J., & Bulterman-Bos, J. (2017, August). Learning analytics in secondary education: Assessment for learning in 7th Grade language teaching. Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Copenhagen, Denmark.

Admiraal, W. (2017, juni). Discussiant op het symposium Kwaliteitsverbetering door ruimte, regels en rekenschap op de jaarlijkse Onderwijsresearchdagen, 28-30 juni 2017 Antwerpen, België.

Admiraal, W. (2017, juni). Discussiant op het symposium De uitdagingen van open online onderwijs/MOOCs op de jaarlijkse Onderwijsresearchdagen, 28-30 juni 2017 Antwerpen, België.


Admiraal, W. (2016, mei). Discussiant bij het symposium Perspectieven op de motivatie van docenten voor professioneel leren op de jaarlijkse Onderwijsresearchdagen, Rotterdam, Nederland.

Admiraal, W. (2016, mei). Discussiant bij het symposium De uitdagingen van open online onderwijs/MOOCs op de jaarlijkse Onderwijsresearchdagen, Rotterdam, Nederland.

Admiraal, W. (2016, februari). Samen opleiden in een digitale samenleving. Lezing op opleidingsbijeenkomst vo-scholen en de universitaire lerarenopleidingen van Leiden en Delft. Universiteit Leiden, Leiden, Nederland.

Admiraal, W. (2016, januari). Academisch docentschap. Lezing op de studiemiddag over lesontwerponderzoek op de universitaire lerarenopleiding Universiteit van Tilburg, Tilburg, Nederland.


Admiraal, W. (2015, August). Preparing pre-service teachers for teaching with technology. Paper presented as part of symposium Pre-service teacher education towards the 21st Century at the biennial conference of the EARLI, Limassol, Cyprus.

Admiraal, W. (2015, June). Technology in teacher education: Some thoughts from the Netherlands. Invited keynote at the Fòrum International d’Éducació i Technologia, Tarragona, Spain.

Admiraal, W. (2015, April). Issues in designing Massive Open Online Courses in higher education. Invited keynote at the annual international conference e-Technologies in Engineering Education, Gdansk, Poland.

Admiraal, W. (2015, december). Academische werkplaats. Lezing voor de Raad van Rectoren van het ICLON, Leiden, Nederland.

Admiraal, W. (2015, mei). Naar wetenschappelijk praktijkonderzoek door docenten. Bijdrage aan Discussiebijeenkomst over Praktijkgericht onderzoek georganiseerd door de VOR, Den Bosch, Nederland.

Admiraal, W. (2015, februari). Onderzoek van (aanstaande) docenten. Lunchlezing Saxion Hogeschool, Deventer.

Admiraal, W., & Schaik, P. van. (2015, november). Onderzoeksatelier: een gezamenlijke zoektocht van docenten en onderzoekers. Workshop op het NRO-congres, Amersfoort, Nederland.

Schenke, W., & Admiraal, W. (2015, November). Towards schools as professional learning communities. Paper presented at the annual connference of the European Association of Practictioner Research on Improving Learning (EAPRIL), Esch d'Alzette, Luxembourg.

Sligte, H., Lockhorst, D., & Admiraal, W. (2015, August). Towards a professional learning culture in schools. Workshop organized at the biennial conference of the EARLI, Limassol, Cyprus.

Sligte, H., Schenke, W., & Admiraal, W. (2015, november). Samen op pad: de school als professionele leergemeenschap. Workshop op het NRO-congres, Amersfoort, Nederland.

Vermeulen, J., & Admiraal, W. (2015, November). Personalized feedback by teachers based on learning analytics. Paper presented at the annual connference of the European Association of Practictioner Research on Improving Learning (EAPRIL), Esch d'Alzette, Luxembourg.


Admiraal, W. (2014, January). Teaching in higher education and academic success. Presentation at the international seminar of the Leiden University Council of Research in Higher Education, Leiden, the Netherlands.

Admiraal, W. (2014, juni). Video van de eigen onderwijspraktijk in de lerarenopleiding. Presentatie op symposium Non satis scire: Weten is niet genoeg. Beoordelen van docentcompetenties in de universitaire lerarenopleiding, Onderwijsresearchdagen, Groningen.

Admiraal, W. (2014, Maart). Naar wetenschappelijk praktijkonderzoek door docenten. Presentatie op OCW Kennismarkt Imagine the future. Den Haag, Nederland.

Admiraal, W. (2014, maart). Naar wetenschappelijk praktijkonderzoek door docenten. Presentatie op symposium Leren van en met elkaar, Community Onderwijs Masters Nederland, Zwolle.

Admiraal, W., Buijs, M., Claessens, W., Honing, T., & Kardijk, J. (2014, September). Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in secondary education.Symposium paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Porto, Portugal.

Admiraal, W., Bulterman-Bos, J., Janssen, T., Smit, B., & Zwart, R. (2014, April). Moving beyond practical wisdom: Teacher research in secondary education. Symposium paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, US.

Admiraal, W., Huisman, B., Saab, N., Smit, B., Theeuwes, B., Van der Ven, M., Van Driel, J., & Van der Rijst, R. (2014, October). Self- and peer grading in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Paper presented at the 13th European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL), October 30-13 2014, Copenhagen.

Admiraal, W., Janssen, T., Huizenga, J., Kranenburg, F., Taconis, R.,& Corda, A. (2014, June/July). Non satis scire: To know is not enough. E-Assessment of student-teachers’ competence as new teachers. Paper presented at the International Computer Assisted Assessment Conference, Zeist, the Netherlands.

Admiraal, W., Janssen, T., Huizenga, J., Kranenburg, F., Taconis, R.,& Corda, A. (2014, September). Non satis scire: To know is not enough. Assessment of student-teachers’ competence as new teachers. Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Porto, Portugal.


Admiraal, W. (2013, November). Demands of 21st century for teacher education. Discussant of an invited symposium at the European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning on education and professional practice (EAPRIL), Biel, Switzerland.

Admiraal, W. (2013, October). A role-play game to increase students’ media literacy. Paper presented at the 7th European Conference on Games-Based Learning (ECGBL), Porto, Portugal.

Admiraal, W. (2013, September). Teacher research. Introduction on the relationship between research and teaching practice on a meeting with representatives of the Swedish parliament, The Hague, the Netherlands.

Admiraal, W. (2013, December). Onderwijsonderzoek en docent-onderzoekers in school. Lezing op de Algemene Personeelsvergadering, Da Vinci college, Kagerstraat, Leiden.

Admiraal, W. (2013, Oktober). Beoordelen van beroepsvaardigheden. Keynote op het HBO-seminar 2013 Toetsing: Van toetsbeleid naar kwaliteit. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden.

Admiraal, W. (2013, september). Leer-werkgemeenschappen van docenten. Presentatie voor de Directie Leraren, Ministerie van Onderwijs en Wetenschappen. Den Haag, Nederland.

Admiraal, W. (2013, juni). Academisch docentschap. Naar wetenschappelijk praktijkonderzoek door docenten. Inaugurele rede. Universiteit Leiden.

Admiraal, W., Huizenga, J., & Dam, G. ten. (2013, April/May). Design of gender-inclusive games for learning. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Francisco, CA.


Admiraal, W. (2012, april). Meten in onderwijs. Beoordeling van (aanstaande) docenten en evaluatie van onderwijs. Plenaire lezing op ICLON studiemiddag, Lisse, Nederland.

Admiraal, W. (2012, juni). Leren en ontwikkelen van competenties van aanstaande, beginnende en ervaren docenten. Symposium op de jaarlijkse Onderwijsresearchdagen, Wageningen, Nederland.

Admiraal, W. (2012, juni). UOC’s of docentonderzoek. Reactie op het rapport Ruim baan voor stapsgewijze verbeteringen in het onderwijs. Panel Onderwijsraad, Jaarlijkse Onderwijsresearchdagen, Wageningen, Nederland.


Admiraal, W. (2011, mei). Academisch Docentschap. Leren van onderwijsonderzoek. Inleiding op werkconferentie Onderzoek in de school van het Expertisecentrum Leren van docenten, Utrecht, Nederland.

Admiraal, W., Brouwer, P., Dobber, M., Lockhorst, D., & Vandyck, I. (2011, April). Collaborative cultures in education: sense of community of teachers and student teachers. Symposium paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New Orleans, LA.

Admiraal, W., Dijkstra, A-B., Geboers, E., Geijsel, F., & Dam, G. ten. (2011, juni). Typologie van vroeg burgerschap. Paper gepresenteerd op de jaarlijkse Onderwijsresearchdagen, Maastricht, Nederland.

Karkdijk, J., Leemkolk, S. van de, Swart, J., Admiraal,W., & Janssen, J. (2011, August/September). Developing complex geographical cognitive skills by Thinking Through Geography. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Junior Researchers of EARLI , Exeter, UK.


Admiraal, W., & Lockhorst, D. (2010, November). Online workspaces to support teacher communities in secondary schools. Round table at the 9th European Conference on e-Learning, Porto, Portugal.

Admiraal , W. , & Lockhorst , D. (2010, April/May). A descriptive model of teacher communities. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Denver, CO.


Admiraal, W. (2009, februari). DiViDossier, NAP1. Webgebaseerde video tbv analyse, reflectie en beoordeling competenties. Presentatie SURF Foundation, Utrecht, Nederland.

Admiraal, W., Akkerman, S., Huizenga, J., & Zeijts, H. van. (2009, May). Location-based technology and game-based learning in secondary education: Learning about medieval Amsterdam. Symposium presentation at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Chicago, IL.

Admiraal, W., Blom, S., Janssen, T., & Dam., G. ten (2009, September). Complexity and imperfection of the Scholarship of Teaching in secondary education. Paper presented at the annual European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Vienna, Austria.

Admiraal, W., Boesenkool, F., Duin, G. van, & Kamp, M. T., van der. (2009, August). Video narratives. Creativity and growth in teacher education. Paper presented at the 34th annual conference of the Association of Teacher Education Europe, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

Admiraal, W., & Janssen, J. (2009, January). A web-based video portfolio for reflection and assessment. Workshop presented at the annual meeting of the Educause Learning Initiative, Orlando, FL.

Dobber, M., & Admiraal, W. (2009, maart). Teachers’ social competence and school communities: How can we prepare student teachers for their collaborative and collective work in school? Round table presentation at the ICO Meeting Teaching and Teacher Education, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Lockhorst , D. , & Admiraal , W. (2009, November). Teacher communities for work and learning: how to measure social competences and community building? Interactive poster presented at the 4th European Practice-based and Practitioner Research (EAPRIL) Conference, Trier, Germany.


Admiraal, W. (2008, november). Implementatie van digitale video in het hoger onderwijs. Presentatie op de jaarlijkse SURF Onderwijsdagen, Utrecht, Nederland.

Admiraal, W., Janssen, J., Pijls, M., & Gielis, A. M. (2008, juni). Leren en beoordelen van competenties in het hoger onderwijs: Analyseren, reflecteren en beoordelen met behulp van digitale video. Paper gepresenteerd op de 35e Onderwijs Research Dagen, Eindhoven, Nederland.

Admiraal, W., Janssen, J., Pijls, M., & Gielis, A.M. (2008, May). Transfer between learning and practice: digital videoportfolio as a means to support the reciprocal relation between learning and work. Paper presented at the 9th international conference on human resource development research and practice across Europe , Lille, France.

Hoeksma, M., Janssen, J., & Admiraal, W. (2008, September). Reliability and validity of the assessment of web-based video portfolios: consequences for teacher education. Paper presented at the 4th biennial EARLI/Northumbria Assessment conference, Potsdam, Germany.


Admiraal, W., Akkerman, S., Koster, B., Lam, I., Simons, R., & Groep, J. van der. (2006, September). Voicing the teacher: practitioners views on teaching with ICT in primary and secondary education. Paper presented at the annual Educational Conference on Educational Research, Geneva, Switzerland.


Admiraal, W., Akkerman, S., & Lam, I. (2005, May). Practitioner views on continuing professional development in ICT in education: teachers’ workplace learning and workplace affordances. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on HRD Research & Practice Across Europe, Leeds, United Kingdom.

Admiraal, W., Laat, M. de, Lockhorst, D., Rubens, W., Simons, P. R. J., Angelis, E. de. Attwell, G., Katzeff, C., Kearney, N., Madura, A., Reich, K., Scheuermann, F., & Skulimowski, A. (2005, August). ICT support for workplace learning across Europe: Developing a workplace pedagogy for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises. Paper presented at the 11th biennial European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Nicosia, Cyprus.

Akkerman, S., Admiraal, W., Brekelmans, M., & Oost, H. (2005, juni). Een audit procedure voor het vaststellen van de kwaliteit van onderwijsonderzoek. Paper gepresenteerd op de 32 Onderwijsresearchdagen, Gent, Belgie.

Akkerman, S., Admiraal, W., & Simons, P. R. J. (2005, August). Voices of research communities in an inter-organizational project: researchers dealing with diversity. Paper presented at the 11th biennial European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Nicosia, Cyprus.


Admiraal, W. (2004, February). ELearning and SMEs. Workshop at the UK-NL-meeting on workplace learning, Brighton, United Kingdom.

Admiraal, W., Jong, Y. de & Lam, I. (2004, juni). Models and tools for the evaluation of e-learning in higher education. Poster gepresenteerd op de 31e Onderwijs Research Dagen, Utrecht, Nederland.

Admiraal, W., Laat, M. de, Lockhorst, D., & Rubens, W. (2004, juni). ICT for learning in SMEs. Paper gepresenteerd op de 31e Onderwijs Research Dagen, Utrecht, Nederland.


Admiraal, W. (2003, mei). Peer assessment in hoger onderwijs: training, cursusopzet en curriculumontwerp. Symposium presentatie op de Onderwijsresearchdagen, Kerkrade, Nederland.

Admiraal, W., Laat, M. de, Rubens, W., & Lally, V. (2003, September). ICT support for workplace learning: eLearning in Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs). Paper presented at the Annual European Conference on Educational Research, Hamburg, Germany.


Admiraal, W. (2002, mei). Samenwerkend leren in digitale context. Symposium presentatie op de Onderwijsresearchdagen, Antwerpen, Belgie.

Admiraal, W., Berg, I. van den, & Pilot, A. (2002, april). De “do’s” en “don’ts” van intercollegiale beoordeling van studenten. Twee workshops op de 22e Landelijkde Dag Studievaardigheden “Kennis ontwikkelen”, Utrecht, Nederland.


Admiraal, W., Berg, I. van den, & Pilot, A. (2001, September). Do’s and don’ts of peer assessment in university teaching. Paper presented at the biennial conference of the International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching. Faro, Portugal.

Admiraal, W., Korthagen, F., & Wubbels, T. (2001, September). A typology of student teacher’s coping with immediate concerns. Paper presented at the annual European Conference on Educational Research, Lille, France.


Admiraal, W, & Linden, J. van der. (2000, mei). Ontwikkeling van instrumenten om effecten van telematische leeromgeving op samenwerkend leren te analyseren. Forum georganiseerd op Onderwijsresearchdagen, Leiden, Nederland.


Admiraal, W. (1999, oktober). Computer mediated education. Computer conferencing at IVLOS. Keynote voor de Intensive week Open and Distance Learning, Hogeschool Holland, Amsterdam, Nederland.

Admiraal, W., Korthagen, F., & Wubbels, T. (1999, July). A typology of student teachers’ coping responses to problematic classroom events. Paper presented at the biennial conference of the International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT), Dublin, Ireland.

Admiraal, W. F., & Wubbels, T. (1999, August). Evaluation of college teaching: students' effort, achievement, and satisfaction. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Goteborg, Sweden.


Admiraal, W., Lockhorst, D., Wubbels, T., Korthagen, F., & Veen, W. (1997, August). Computer mediated comunication in teacher education: computer conferencing and the supervision of student teachers. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Athens, Greece.

Admiraal, W., Wubbels, T., Gritter, M., Pilot, A. (1997, September). Instructional design in a Law curriculum: effects of incentives on student time-on-task and academic performance. Paper presented at the annual European Conference on Educational Research, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.


Admiraal, W. (1996, juli). Inleiding symposium Hoger activerend onderwijs. Symposium gepresenteerd op de Onderwijs Research Dagen, Tilburg, Nederland.

Admiraal, W., Gritter, M., & Sprik, F.P. (1996, juli). Invloed van studentfactoren op cognitieve en affectieve opbrengst bij studenten Rechten. Paper gepresenteerd op de Onderwijs Research Dagen, Tilburg, Nederland.

Admiraal, W., Lockhorst, D., Wubbels, T., Veen, W., & Korthagen, F. (1996, September). Evaluation of teleguidance at the teacher education of Utrecht University. Paper presented at the annual European Conference on Educational Research, Seville, Spain.

Admiraal, W., Lockhorst, D., Wubbels, T., Veen, W., & Korthagen, F. (1996, juli). Telematische begeleiding in de lerarenopleiding van de Universiteit Utrecht. Paper gepresenteerd op de Onderwijs Research Dagen, Tilburg, Nederland.


Admiraal, W. (1995, april). Copinggedrag van aanstaande docenten. Presentatie op de bijeenkomst van de Vereniging voor Onderwijsreserach (VOR), Leiden, Nederland.


Admiraal, W., & Boogaard, M. (1994, mei). Instroom en doorstroom van allochtone en buitenlandse studenten in Utrecht, Eindhoven, Wageningen en Rotterdam. Paper gepresenteerd op de Onderwijs research Dagen, Utrecht, Nederland.

Admiraal, W. F., Wubbels, T., & Korthagen, F. A. J. (1994, mei). Copinggedrag van docenten-in-opleiding. Paper gepresenteerd op de Onderwijs Research Dagen, Utrecht, Nederland.


Admiraal, W., & Boogaard, M. (1993, december). Buitenlandse studenten aan de universiteiten van Eindhoven, Utrecht en Wageningen. Keynote paper gepresenteerd op de conferentie Buitenlandse studenten in het Nederlandse hoger onderwijs, Technische Universiteit Delft, Delft, Nederland.

Admiraal, W., & Boogaard, M. (1993, mei). Studievoortgang van buitenlandse, allochtone en autochtone studenten aan de Universiteit Utrecht. Paper gepresenteerd op de Onderwijs Research Dagen, Maastricht, Nederland.


Admiraal, W., Korthagen, F., & Wubbels, T. (1992, June). A typology of student teachers' coping reactions. Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research, Enschede, The Netherlands.


Admiraal, W. F., Bannink, P., Korthagen, F. A. J., & Vedder, J. (1989, September). A description of the process of reflection as a part of teachers' professionalization. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Teacher Education in Europe, Kristianstad, Sweden.

Admiraal, W. F., & Vrugt, A. (1989, June). The effects of crowding on the judgement of interpersonal behavior. Paper presented at a symposium on Crowding: effects of social and/or spatial density on human cognitions and behavior (Auswirkungen räumlicher und sozialer Dichte und Enge auf das menschliche Erleben und Verhalten), Werner Reimers Stiftung, Bad Homburg v.d.H., Germany.