Other projects


E-PAL (Equip Palestine with e-learning)

Research and development project on strategic use of digital tools to enhance educational quality in higher education in Palestine. University of Oslo is contractor and the project is financed by NORHED II (The Norwegian Programme for Capacity Development in Higher Education and Research for Development). 

2017 - 2021

Leiden Kennisstad

ICLON Graduate School of Teaching is een van de deelnemers aan een gezamenlijk project van Universiteit Leiden, Hogeschool Leiden, LUMC en Gemeente Leiden om Leiden als kennisstad intensiever te ontwikkelen. Een van de projecten is het Regionaal Steunpunt Leiden waarin wordt samengewerkt aan de verdere professionalisering van docenten.

2017 - 2018

Communities of Practice: samen leren en onderzoeken in het MBO door docent en student

In een Community of Practice (CoP) werken mbo-studenten en -docenten samen met onderzoekers van de Lerarenopleiding Universiteit Leiden ( ICLON) en het Research Lab van ID College. Het project wordt deels gefinancierd via onderwijsinnovatiesubsidie van de Gemeente Leiden.

2016 - 2018

The use of self- and peer assessment with video in courses on professional practice

A research project on the use of assessment with video in professional preparation programs in university. The project is financed by the Center for Education and Learning of the strategic alliance of Leiden University, Erasmus University Rotterdam and Delft University of Technology.

2016 - 2017

TALIS Initial Teacher Preparation – The Netherlands (Dutch Ministry of Education)

Study initiated by OESO and financed by the Dutch Ministry of Education on the state of the art of teacher education programs in the Netherlands and their effects on teacher quality. This project is carried out by CINOP-ecbo, Den Bosch, University of Groningen, Arnhem-Nijmegen University of Applied Sciences and ICLON Leiden University.

2016 - 2018

LerarenOntwikkelfonds (LOF) – flankerend onderzoek (Onderwijscoöperatie).

Het LOF heeft tot doel om leraren in staat te stellen op eigen initiatief en naar eigen inzicht vorm te geven aan de versterking van hun professioneel handelen, het verbeteren van het onderwijs en het versterken van de beroepsgroep. Een team van leraren voert, onder begeleiding, het flankeren onderzoek uit. Het project wordt uitgevoerd door de Hogeschool van Amsterdam en ICLON Universiteit Leiden.

2013 – 2014

Ict-experimenten in de universitaire lerarenopleiding (Kennisnet)

Onderzoek door Oberon Utrecht en ICLON Universiteit Leiden naar experimenten met informatitie- en communicatietechnologie in het curriculum van de universitaire lerarenopleidingen in Nederland. Het project is gefinancierd door Kennisnet, het nationale kenniscentrum voor ict in het primair en secundair onderwijs.


De professionele leercultuur in school: Talentmaximalisatie (VO-raad)

Onderzoek door Oberon Utrecht, Kohnstamm Instituut Amsterdam en ICLON Universiteit Leiden naar de professionele leercultuur in scholen voor voortgezet onderwijs. Project is opdracht van de VO-Raad en gefinancierd door het Ministerie van Onderwijs en Wetenschappen.

2012 – 2014

Non satis scire (SURF)

Non satis scire is a project financed by the SURF Tender Toetsgestuurd Leren. All 13 Dutch universities collaborate on the development, design, implementation and evaluation of assessment procedures with technology in minor and master programs of initial teacher education.


Uitstroomniveau Engels van pabo-studenten  (HBO-raad)

Onderzoek naar de geschiktheid van internationale Cambridge-toetsen om het uitstroomniveau Engels van pabo-studenten te meten. Project in opdracht van de HBO-raad.


Meer academici in de klas (Ministerie OCW)

Field research in secondary education and teacher education on the significance of additional teacher training programs in the Netherlands. The project is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.

2012 – 2013

Didactische vorming rond ICT in de universitaire lerarenopleiding (Kennisnet)

Veldonderzoek van Oberon Utrecht en ICLON Universiteit Leiden naar het gebruik van informatitie- en communicatietechnologie in het curriculum van de universitaire lerarenopleidingen in Nederland. Het project is gefinancierd door Kennisnet, het nationale kenniscentrum voor ict in het primair en secundair onderwijs.

2011 – 2013

Tussen luipaard en leeuw (Vluchtelingenwerk)

Vluchtelingen in Nederland bevinden zich in een kwetsbare arbeidsmarktpositie. 'Tussen Luipaard en Leeuw' richt zich op de verbetering van de zwakke arbeidsmarkt- en inkomenspositie van vijftig jongere vluchtelingen (waaronder veel Somaliërs) in de regio Zaanstreek-Waterland. Zie voor meer informatie Vluchtelingenwerk Amstel tot Zaan.

2011 – 2013

Talentontwikkeling in bovenbouw vwo (VO-raad)

Secondary school RSG Slingerbos / Levant set up a project in which students regulate their own learning programme together with a mentor. The project is funded by the Dutch Council for secondary education (VO Raad) as part of the 'Investeringsagenda.

2010 – 2013

Passend Onderwijs Hoogbegaafden (VO-raad)

In this project, secondary school Huizermaat set up a curriculum for gifted students, together with continuing professional development of teachers of gifted students and a project evaluation. The project is funded by the Dutch Council for secondary education (VO Raad) as part of the 'Investeringsagenda.'

2010 – 2012

Games Atelier (Waag Society)

In the project Games Atelier, location-based technology is used to support game-based collaborative learning in secondary education.  Students create, facilitated with various formats, their own games with authentic content from their living world. Effects are examined on students' learning, motivation and collaboration. See for more information (in Dutch) www.waag.org.

2010 – 2011

SplitsZ! (Waag Society)

The project SplitsZ is about a web-based game on citizenship in the virtual world. Students in primary and secondary education learn what is means to be a responsible, conscious, and skilled online citizen. See for more information (in Dutch) www.waag.org.

2009 – 2011

Alle H@nds aan dek (SURF)

Alle H@nds aan dek is a project on the use of technology in teacher education. It is partly financed by the National Action Programme of SURF, in collaboration with partners from ATLAS College Hoorn, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Universiteit Leiden, Universiteit Utrecht, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Technische Universiteit Delft, Universiteit Twente, and Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.


Wereldwerk aan de Zaan (Vluchtelingenwerk)

Wereldwerk aan de Zaan is a project of the Amstel tot Zaan Council for Refugees to support refugees to entrance the Dutch labour market by counseling, projects, network meetings, and cultural and creative activities. More (in Dutch) on Stichting Vluchtelingenwerk Zaanstreek - Waterland.

2009 – 2010

Peer assessment in de lerarenopleiding (Universiteit van Amsterdam)

PALO was a one-year project on the use of peer assessment in teacher education. It was partly funded by the central IT department of the University of Amsterdam.

2006 – 2010

Center for ICT in higher education of the Universiteit Utrecht

The second term of the Center for ICT in higher education, located at the IVLOS Institute of education of Utrecht University. The center was responsible for the research and development projects for the university as well as outside the university. It was financed by Utrecht University and external sources.


Digitaal Toetsen (Universiteit van Amsterdam)

Project on the use of digital assessment, partly financed by the ICTO-fonds of the University of Amsterdam.

2007 – 2008

Frequency 1550x10 (Waag Society)

Frequency 1550 is a mobile city game in which students playfully acquire historical knowledge about the medieval city of Amsterdam. With help of the Internet, smart phones and GPS technology, Amsterdam changes into a medieval play-ground. The objective of this research project was to generate insights into the effects of mobile game-based learning in secondary education on the development of students’ engagement in learning, historical knowledge and collaborative skills. More on www.waag.org.

2006 – 2008

DiViDossier (SURF)

DiVidossier was a R&D project on the use of digital videoportfolio in higher education. It was financed by the National Action Programme of SURF, in collaboration with partners from Universiteit van Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Universiteit Leiden, Universiteit Utrecht, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Universiteit Twente, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, and Cito Arnhem.


DU Domeinprogramma ULO (Digitale Universiteit)

The DU Domeinprogramma ULO is a project on the development of ICT usage in the post-graduate teacher education in the Netherlands. It was financed by the Digital University, in collaboration with all Dutch teacher education programmes.

2004 – 2005

Blended Learning (SURF)

A policy research project on blended learning in higher education. It was financed by SURF foundation for higher education.

2001 – 2005

Center for ICT in higher education  of the Universiteit Utrecht

The first term of the Center for ICT in higher education, located at the IVLOS Institute of education of Utrecht University. The center was responsible for the research and development projects for the university as well as outside the university. It is financed by Utrecht University and external sources.

1997 – 1999

Begegnugssprache-project (Ministerie OCW)

Project on the use of German as second language in secondary education in schools in Enschede (NL) and collaboration with schools in Gronau (D). It was financed by the Dutch Ministry of Education and Euregio.

1996 – 1998

Wie schrijft, die blijft (ECHO)

Project on the writing skills of minority and foreign students. It was financed by the Center for minority students in higher education, ECHO).



Evaluation of tele-guidance in tacher education at the Hogeschool Gelderland, PABO Arnhem, and PABO Nijmegen. It was financed by these institutions.