
I don't want to ever try and force any type of dietary plan on anybody.

Saying that, I want to be sure everybody has enough information to make informed decisions on his/her own.

Vegetarianism is a health way to eat. It is not some type of special diet that someone cooked up and is trying to make money off of (think Atkins, Keto, or South Beach diets).

There are proven research studies documenting the health benefits of eating no meat, meat-related products, and for some no dairy or eggs as well.

There are even several classifications of Vegetarianism going from full blown veganism to a flexitarian.

For information on eating non-meat-related products start here:

Click Here for information on Vegetarianism

Then go here for more research related information:

Click Here for Vegetarian information number 2

If you find this information useful and want to look at Veganism, especially research related to the Vegan diet and its benefits, go to this website and look at all of the useful information (and watch the two Nutrition Year in Review videos toward the bottom... starting with 2012-13)...

Click Here for Nutrition Facts website

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