Rhianna Valeria

Countess Rhianna Valaria

  • Dorian Manning
  • Passed: August 23 2012

Rhianna was a 6th century Romanized Briton living at the conjectured time of the historic Arthur a few decades after the Romans occupation of the British isles was abandoned. Rhianna reigned as Queen of Trimaris with Duke Baldar.Dorian Manning worked as as a designer of framed artwork when she was not working as a restaurant decor designer.

She is survived by her spouse Ken Manning sca Garan

Motto: Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.

Heraldic Blazon: Argent, a chief gules, three gutes de sange triskeleon.

Heraldic Colors: red and white

Titles: Order of the Emerald Seas, AoA, Order of Trimarian Gratitude, Order of the Black Widow, Order of the Argent Estoile, Grant of Arms, Argent Morningstar of Trimaris, Order of the Silver Trident, Trimaris, Order of the Rose, County

Affiliation(s): squired to Baldar, apprenticed to Elspeth

Fighting Style: Sword and sheild, except in the woods, in the woods it's glaive!

Interests: Fighting, clothing, mead drinking.

Birthday: September 30th

Order of Precedence entry