Wednesday, May 31st


Multiplication Word Problems

Reading/ Language Arts

Persuasive Writing: Using one of the "Would you rather?" topics; you will write a persuasive paper stating if you are for or against the topic you chose. Remember you must give 3 reason why and details to SUPPORT those reasons.

I have listed the topics you shared in class. You DO NOT have to use these but in case you can not think of a topic, I hope this helps you.

Would you rather…

Go to a water park or go on safari in Africa?

Eat sushi or noodles?

Do your math assignment or writing assignment?

Go to Mars or go to the moon?

See a lightning bolt or go to friend’s house for a sleep over?

Be EXTREMELY slooooooow or EXTREMELY Fast?

Watch Netflix or a cartoon?

Take a picture of a moose or have a pet cat?

Be a pen or pencil?

Eat all day and not drink or drink all day and not eat?

See a rainbow or a falling star?

Meet an alien or meet a leprechaun?

Be a million with no friends or have friends with no money?

Sleep for 2 weeks or stay awake for 2 weeks?

Meet a football player or meet an artist?

Sleep on the roof or sleep in the bath tub for a year?


No Homework

Social Studies

No homework