Student of the week

Good day parents!

3-A is excited to launch the new and improved Student of the Week!

This year students will know in advanced when it is their turn to be Student of Week. We are all very excited. Below are the guidelines; if you have any question please email me.

Your child will need to create/ decorate a poster or Power Point with the following:

-A picture of self and/ or family members.

- Pictures of his or her choice (sports, favorite food…).

Answer the following questions somewhere on the poster:

1) Name

2) Age

3) Birthday

4) Country origin (example, American, Syrian, Egyptian)

5)Favorites (write down 5-10 favorite things in sentence form. It can be music, food, movies, television friends, places, and or toys. Please be creative).

6) If you could go anywhere in the world; where would you go? And why?

7) What Superpower would you like to have and why? (flying, invisible, ice power, mind reading, lazor beam eyes, speed, telekinesis, power over the weather, super strength, shape shifting)

8) If you could have lunch with anyone alive or otherwise; who would you have lunch with? And why?

The week you are the Student of the Week please:

-Bring in 3 things to show the class on Thursday.

- Wear what you like on the Thursday ONLY. (NOT the entire week; just THURSDAY!)

-Bring in a pillow or special blanket.

-Be the Class DJ (bring in your kind of music)

-Bring in your iPad to play at recess inside.

Below you will find the week your child is student of the week. This will be on the website all school year.