Monday, January 16th


1) Home Links- 5.8 page 117


1) Please finish your work for the story "Fox". You must have descriptive adjectives and also create an ending for the story.

2) Read for 30 minutes.

Social Studies

"Who is Gandhi?"

Answer the questions below:

1) What does Mahatma mean based on the book? Great Soul

2) Why was Gandhi arrested? (remember he picked up....?) Gandhi broke the British law when he picked up salt. "The Salt Act states that Indians could not gather, make, or sell their own salt" (p. 4)

3) Fill in what is missing "Gandhi believed that words and actions were more powerful than violence". (p. 3)

4) True or False: Gandhi's father was a doctor. False- diwan ( political leader)

5) What were Gandhi's sole companions? Friends or books/lessons


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