Tapestry of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Mary is “the highest honor of our race,” for she said “yes” to God’s plan, allowing God to work through her to bring about the salvation of the human race. Mary became the Mother of God’s Son, our Savior, Jesus (cf. Luke 1:26-38). Because of her "yes," and perfect conformity to God’s will in her life, Mary is the greatest of all the saints.

This tapestry shows the relationship of the Blessed Virgin Mary to our parish. In the background is a view of the church building. The patron saints of our parish, St. Aidan, Bishop of Lindesfarne, is depicted by the symbols of miter (the pointed hat with the cross on the front), horn of plenty, and a broken plate. They emphasize Aidan's commitment to others by his work in Christian Service. The horn of plenty symbolizes our parish's continued commitment to serve others out of love for Christ. Like the Blessed Virgin Mary, we are all called to be faithful to Jesus Christ, our Lord and God, serving others out of love for Him (cf. Matthew 25:31-40).