Stations of the Cross

The 14 Stations of the Cross mark the suffering and death of Jesus on Good Friday. Some stations are found in Scripture, others are based on tradition. Meditating on the 14 Stations of the Cross is a mini-pilgrimage that allows us to enter into Jesus' experience using all of our senses. We enter into His story in order to undergo transformation.

From a very early point in the history of the Church, Christians made pilgrimages to the Holy Land in order to visit sites connected with the life and death of Jesus. Later, during the time of the Crusades, pilgrims developed the Stations devotion by following the final footsteps of Jesus. After the re-conquest of the Holy Land by Muslim forces it became unsafe for pilgrims, so this devotion took root in Europe by the 1500's.

Do you have your earbuds with you? Plug them in and pray the Stations using these short video reflections: