SQL SERVER –Replication Issues

I am running SQL Server 2008 R2 with merge and transactional replication below getting error :


Cannot use a CONTAINS or FREETEXT predicate on table or indexed view 'HumanResources.JobCandidate' because it is not full-text indexed. (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 7601)

Soloution :

Once added to the publication, enabling the option to replicate the FTI to the subscriber is shown below (it is disabled by default). and Reinitialize  snapshot 

At this point we might assume we have everything necessary, as it seems a relatively straightforward setting.

So, how to ensure that the subscriber database is enabled for FTI? We might set it up manually, or use a pre-snapshot script:

exec sp_fulltext_database 'enable'

Using this command, there's no need to check the current setting using the databasepropertyex as sp_fulltext_database doesn't report an error if it is already enabled.

Replicating of FTIs in transactional publications is currently slightly problematic in SQL 2005 but it is indeed possible by following the guidelines above

 I recently added some columns to a published article.  The schema change correctly replicated to subscribers under merge replication.  However, in transactional replication the columns did not replicate


Msg 20608, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_MSreinit_article, Line 190

Cannot make the change because there are active subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to force the change and reinitialize the active subscriptions.

Soloution : 

Run the following  below steps

(with your database and publication

EXEC sp_changepublication         @publication = 'AdventureWorks_Publication',         @property = N'allow_anonymous',         @value = 'false' GO  EXEC sp_changepublication         @publication = 'AdventureWorks_Publication',         @property = N'immediate_sync',         @value = 'false' GO

2) Add newarticle to the publication using UI.  3) Right click on the publication.

Select "View Snapshot Agent Status".

Click on "Start" button.

This will generate snapshot for only the newly added articles.

Or add article below  command through .. --add articleEXEC sp_addarticle @publication = 'AdventureWorks_Publication'        , @article = 'TestArt'        ,@source_object= 'TestArt'EXEC sp_addsubscription @publication = 'AdventureWorks_Publication' , @article = 'All' , @subscriber = 'SAIFHUSS1\MSSQLSERVERMS1' , @destination_db = 'Test1'--run snapshot agent from the GUI--you should see just the one article being copied over--set to publication options to trueEXEC sp_changepublication  @publication = 'AdventureWorks_Publication',

@property = N'immediate_sync',  @value = 'true' GO  EXEC sp_changepublication  @publication = 'AdventureWorks_Publication',

@property = N'allow_anonymous',  @value = 'true' GO


Length of LOB data (72174) to be replicated exceeds configured maximum 65536.

This error when it will replicate I am unable to replicate. Client getting this error. On what case this error will through


For SQL Server 2005 or earlier you can run:

sp_configure 'max text repl size', 2147483647

For SQL Server 2008 or later you can run:

sp_configure 'max text repl size', -1

The former increases the maximum size allowed, the latter essentially says "remove the limit". Once the maximum size is increased or removed, large LOBs will be able to be replicated.