AWS  Monitoring and Auditing Resources

AWS CloudWatch and AWS CloudTrail are two distinct services provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that play important roles in monitoring and auditing your AWS resources. Here's an overview of each service:

AWS CloudWatch: AWS CloudWatch is a monitoring and observability service that allows you to collect and track metrics, logs, and events from various AWS resources and applications. It provides a unified view of your infrastructure's performance and operational health. Key features of CloudWatch include:

AWS CloudTrail:AWS CloudTrail is a service that provides governance, compliance, and audit capabilities by logging API activity and events within your AWS account. It records actions taken by users, roles, and AWS services, providing a comprehensive audit trail. Key features of CloudTrail include:

By using CloudTrail, you can maintain a comprehensive record of all API activity in your AWS account, aiding in security analysis, compliance, and troubleshooting.

Both AWS CloudWatch and CloudTrail are essential tools for monitoring, analyzing, and auditing your AWS resources and activities. They complement each other to provide a holistic view of your infrastructure's performance, operational health, and compliance.