MySQL has the following technical specifications -

What are the different tables present in MySQL?

There are many tables that remain present by default. But, MyISAM is the default database engine used in MySQL. There are five types of tables that are present:

What is BLOB and TEXT in MySQL?

BLOB is an acronym stands for a large binary object. It is used to hold a variable amount of data.

There are four types of BLOB.

The differences among all these are the maximum length of values they can hold.

TEXT is a case-insensitive BLOB. TEXT values are non-binary strings (character string). They have a character set, and values are stored, and compared based on the collation of the character set.

There are four types of TEXT.

What is the difference between MySQL_connect and MySQL_pconnect?



What does "i_am_a_dummy flag" do in MySQL?

The "i_am_a_dummy flag" enables MySQL engine to refuse any UPDATE or DELETE statement to execute if the WHERE clause is not present. Hence it can save the programmer from deleting the entire table my mistake if he does not use WHERE clause.

How to change a password for an existing user via Mysqladmin?

Mysqladmin -u root -p password "newpassword".

What is SQLyog?

SQLyog program is the most popular GUI tool for admin. It is the most popular MySQL manager and admin tool. It combines the features of MySQL administrator, phpMyadmin and others MySQL front ends and MySQL GUI tools.

What is the default port of MySQL Server?

The default port of MySQL Server is 3306.

 How is MyISAM table stored?

MyISAM table is stored on disk in three formats.

What is MySQL data directory?

MySQL data directory is a place where MySQL stores its data. Each subdirectory under this data dictionary represents a MySQL database. By default the information managed my MySQL = server mysqld is stored in data directory.

What is InnoDB?

InnoDB is a storage database for SQL. The ACID-transactions are also provided in addition InnoDB also includes support for the foreign key. Initially owned by InnobaseOY now belongs to Oracle Corporation after it acquired the latter since 2005.

What is ISAM?

It is a system for file management developed by IBM which allows records to access sequentially or even randomly.

Main differences between INNODB and MYISAM commonly used storage engine

Default storage engine chosen by MySQL database is MyISAM

MyISAM does not support transactions by tables.You cannot commit and rollback with MYISAM. Once command it’s done.

MyISAM no possibility of row-level locking, relational integrity.

MyISAM does not support FOREIGN-KEY referential-integrity constraints 

MyISAM has table-level locking.

MyISAM supports FULLTEXT index

MyISAM is suitable for small project.

MyISAM does not support ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability) property


InnoDB support transactions by tables.You can commit and rollback with InnoDB

InnoDB possibility of row-level locking, relational integrity.

InnoDB support FOREIGN-KEY referential-integrity constraints 

InnoDB does not support FULLTEXT index 

InnoDB is better option while you are dealing with larger database because it supports transactions, volume

InnoDB supports ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability) property 

InnoDB stores its tables and indexes in a tablespace