Databases -Types SQL vs NoSQL Database Differences

Structured ,Unstructured & Semi-Structured

Structured data usually resides in relational databases (RDBMS) SQL databases are table based databases which consists of n number of rows of data .SQL databases are vertically scalable 

Fields store length-delineated data phone numbers, Social Security numbers, or ZIP codes

Unstructured data is essentially everything else. Unstructured data has internal structure but is not structured via pre-defined data models or schema. It may be textual or non-textual, and human- or machine-generated. It may also be stored within a non-relational database like NoSQL.NoSQL databases are horizontally scalable

NoSQL databases are document based, key-value pairs, graph databases or wide-column stores

Semi-Structured data XML is a set of document,JSON is another semi-structured data

Email is a very common example of a semi-structured data type

SQL database examples: MySql, Oracle, Sqlite, Postgres and MS-SQL. 

NoSQL database examples: MongoDB, BigTable, Redis, RavenDb, Cassandra, Hbase, Neo4j,Mark logic and CouchDb

Structured vs. Unstructured Data