AWS -RDS limitations for Microsoft SQL Server DB Instances

Amazon RDS doesn't support running SQL Server Analysis Services, SQL Server Integration Services, SQL Server Reporting Services, Data Quality Services, or Master Data Services on the same server as your Amazon RDS DB instance

Amazon RDS does not provide shell access to DB instances, and it restricts access to certain system procedures and tables that require advanced privileges.

The following server-level roles are not currently available in Amazon RDS:

The following server-level permissions are not available on SQL Server DB instances:

Limits for Microsoft SQL Server DB Instances

You can create up to 30 databases on each of your DB instances running Microsoft SQL Server

Features Not Supported and Features with Limited Support

The following Microsoft SQL Server features are not supported on Amazon RDS:

The following Microsoft SQL Server features have limited support on Amazon RDS:

The following are limitations to setting the local time zone on your DB instance:

Limitations and Recommendations Backup and Restore:

The following are some limitations to using native backup and restore:

Few important points about Multi-AZ deployment for AWS RDS SQL Server