Internet Information Server (IIS)

What is the full form of IIS?

Ans : Internet Information Server.

What  us Roll of IIS?

Ans : If we want to host it on server from where all user can access the sites then IIS comes into the picture

IIS can support following Protocol HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, SMTP Etc.

Note only Hosting of Site we can create our FTP Server, SMTP Server using IIS itself.

There are different version of IIS available like 5.1, 6.0, 7.0 etc.

What are the different version on IIS that you have worked on ?

Ans : Below is the list of IIS version with different Operating system.

Windows Server 2008 - Windows Vista - Home Premium/ Ultimate - IIS 7.0

Windows Server 2003 - IIS 6.0

Windows XP Professional - IIS 5.1

What are the new features in IIS7?

Ans        Simple, Configurable Command Line Setup.

·         No More Metabase! · Clean clear-text schema · IIS settings stored in XML configuration file (applicationHost.config).

·         Centralized Configuration · applicationHost.config stored on UNC share.

·         AppCmd and Other New Management Options.

·         Failed Request Tracing · Buffers the trace events for requests and flushes them to disk if they meet your failure criteria.

·         Request Filtering · No more URLScan · settings in applicationHost.config

How do I publish documents or Web pages? (IIS 6.0)

Ans :      1.Move your files to the \Inetpub\Wwwroot directory.

2.Type http://servername/filename in the address bar of your Internet browser to see your published files

How do I create a virtual directory on a Web or FTP site? (IIS 6.0)

Ans :  You can use IIS Manager to create virtual directories on your Web site.

How do I stop and restart Internet services?

Ans :  By using the "IISRESET" command

What is Application Pool in IIS ?

Ans :  Application pools used to isolate our web application for better security, reliability, and availability and performance and keep running with out impacting each other

What is the Name of Default Application Pool in IIS ?

Ans :  we can create new application pool IIS with different settings, but IIS having its own default application pool named : DefaultAppPool.

What are the different types of Identity available in IIS 6.0 ?

Ans :  IIS having three different Identity.

1. Local System

2. Local Services

3. NetworkServices

How can I confirm that a server certificate is attached to a Web site?

Ans :       1.In IIS Manager, right-click the Web site, and click Properties.

2.Click the Directory Security tab.

3.Under Secure communications, if the View Certificate button is activated, there is a certificate attached to the Web site. If the button is not activated, you must attach a server certificate to the site to use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) features.


Name of default Identity of IIS6.0

Ans :  Default Identity of IIS 6.0 is NetworkServices .


Which is having very minimum rights on your system. The user can only have the read access of the sit


What is Recycling of Application Pool ?

Ans :  Recycling Application pool means recycle the Worker process (w3wp.exe ) and the memory used for the web application.

There are two types of recycling related with Application pool

1. Recycling Worker Process - Predefined Settings

2. Recycling Worker Process - Based on Memory


How can we get the list of worker process running in IIS along with the Application pool name ?

By running iisapp.vbs script from command Prompt. 

Below are the steps : 

1. Start > Run > Cmd 

2. Go To Windows > System32 

3. Run cscript iisapp.vbs


What are the main layers of IIS Architecture ?

Ans : IIS having mainly two layer Kernel Mode and User Mode

Below are the subsection of both of them.

1. Kernel Mode


2. User Mode

o Web Admin Service

o Virtual Directory

o Application Pool


What is the Role of Http.Sys in IIS ?

Ans :  HTTP.SYS is the kernel level components of IIS. All client request comes from client hit the HTTP.Sys of Kernel level. HTTP.SYS then makes a queue for each and every request for each and individual application pool based on the request.

Whenever we create any application pool IIS automatically registers the pool with HTTP.SYS to identify the particular during request processing.


What are the different security settings available in IIS ?

Ans :  Below are the commonly used IIS Security settings

 1 Anonymous

2 Integrated Windows Authentication

3. Basic Authentication

4. Digest Authentication

5. Passport Authentication

 For Set security permission you need to go to Virtul Directory > Right Click > Properties > Directory Security Click on Edit Button .


What is the default authentication settings for IIS ?

Ans :  Anonymous authentication is the default authentication mode for any site that is hosted on IIS, and it runs under the "IUSR_[ServerName]" account.


What is web garden ?

Ans :  By default Each Application Pool runs with a Single Worker Process (W3Wp.exe). We can assign multiple Worker Process With a Single Application Pool. An Application Poll with multiple Worker process called Web Gardens. Each Worker Process Should have there own Thread and Own Memory space. Generally its not recommended to use InProc Session mode while we are using Web Garden.


Where session data stores in case of "In-Proc" Session mode ?

Ans :  Session data store inside process memory of worker process [ w3wp.exe ] .


How we can create an web garden ?

Ans :  Creating web graden we need to go to Application Pool, then Right Click on Application Pool > Properties > Goto Performance Tab

In Web Garden Section, increase the number of worker process. By default it is 1.


How we can debug a web application which is hosted on IIS ?

Ans :  We can easily debug any web application that are hosted on IIS by using Attaching of Worker Process. From Visual Studio IDE > Tools > Attach To Process Select the particular Process, then start debugging.


Does ASP debugging work in IIS 6.0 worker process isolation mode?

Ans :  Yes, when you configure Launch and Access permissions to enable ASP debugging in worker process isolation mode for Script Debugger and Visual InterDev