Upgrade Guidelines

Post date: Apr 20, 2020 2:58:45 PM

Whenever MarkLogic updates any of these files, it creates a backup using the same naming convention used for older ErrorLog files (_1, _2 etc). We recommend backing up all configuration files before following the steps under the next heading.

Note:If you cd to your "Data" directory (on Linux this is /var/opt/MarkLogic; on 

Windows this is C:\Program Files\MarkLogic\Data and on OS X this is /Users/{username}/Library/Application Support/MarkLogic), you should see several xml files (assignments, clusters, databases, groups, hosts, server).

Upgrade Guidelines:

If you follow these upgrade guidelines and recommendations, then it is unlikely that you will need to downgrade your MarkLogic Server instance.

Back-out Plan

Although it is not expected that you will ever need to back out a version upgrade of MarkLogic Server, it is always prudent to have a contingency plan for the worst case scenario.

Before an upgrade, you will want to

In the unlikely event you want to restore your system to a previous version level, you will need to first make a decision regarding the data in your databases.

MarkLogic does not support restoring a backup made on a newer version of MarkLogic Server onto an older version of MarkLogic Server. Your Back-Out Plan will need to take this into consideration.

Once you have decided how to handle your data, you will need to recreate your MarkLogic Instance from a fresh install.  This can be done on fresh hardware, or in place if you are careful with your data. The steps will include