AWS-RDS ORACLE-monitor the jobs

To check the status of Datapump operations, you can view the contents of the import log by using the rdsadmin.rds_file_util.read_text_file procedure.

 SELECT * FROM TABLE (rdsadmin.rds_file_util.read_text_file(p_directory => 'DATA_PUMP_DIR',p_filename => 'IMPORT.LOG')); 

Also below SQL queries would also be helpful to monitor the progress of Datapump jobs. The status of the job: 

select * from dba_datapump_jobs where STATE='EXECUTING'; 

The percentage of work done, like in: 

SELECT b.username, a.sid, b.opname,, round(b.SOFAR*100/b.TOTALWORK,0) || '%' as "%DONE", b.TIME_REMAINING, to_char(b.start_time,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') start_time FROM v$session_longops b, v$session a WHERE a.sid = b.sid ORDER BY 6;

The percentage of work done and the current status of the Datapump job, like in:

 SELECT sl.sid, sl.serial#, sl.sofar, sl.totalwork, dp.owner_name, dp.state, dp.job_mode FROM v$session_longops sl, v$datapump_job dp WHERE sl.opname = dp.job_name AND sl.sofar != sl.totalwork; 

The following Query displays the amount of work done so far: 

SELECT sl.sid, sl.serial#, sl.sofar, sl.MESSAGE,sl.totalwork, dp.owner_name, dp.state, dp.job_mode FROM v$session_longops sl, v$datapump_job dp WHERE sl.opname = dp.job_name;