

This is the first SQL Server version to be supported on various flavors of Linux as well as Docker containers. You can get a free whitepaper detailing SQL Server across all platforms here.

Compatibility Level 140

This new compatibility level is required to take advantage of several of the features listed below, and they are similar to the features that need 140 in Azure SQL Database, as described in this blog post. Note that if you upgrade an instance to SQL Server 2017, or restore/attach a database from an older version, the compatibility level will not move up to 140 automatically.

Smarter Backups

There are a couple of changes that allow you to make more intelligent decisions around differential and log backups.

tempdb configuration

In SQL Server 2016 there were many changes to tempdb, including better configuration during setup, and better visibility in the error log when configuration was not optimal. In SQL Server 2017, we get an increase in the maximum initial data files size from 1GB to 256GB (see Allan Hirt’s post). Note that a warning is issued if instant file initialization is not enabled.

Temporal Tables

The original implementation in SQL Server 2016 was missing two important features: CASCADE for foreign key constraints, and a retention policy to prevent the history tables from becoming unmanageable (I wrote this tip about the latter back in February). These features are now both supported; more information about retention policies can be found in the docs. Personally, I think there should be a policy that allows you to keep n versions of a row, instead of it being time-based, since some rows in a table may change a lot more frequently than other rows.

Availability Groups

A number of enhancements were made to Availability Groups specifically (and a few other performance improvements mentioned later will also benefit AGs as a nice side effect):

Version store monitoring

Ever feel like you want to enable READ COMMITTED SNAPSHOT, but don’t know how to reliably determine the impact on tempdb? A new DMV, sys.dm_tran_version_store_space_usage, allows you to see the impact on version store usage, grouped by each database. So you can use this to profile your workload in a testing environment, before and after the change, and also to monitor the impact over time – even if other databases are also using version store.

Environmental information

With the move to Linux, there was a need for additional information exposed within system views to determine operating system specifics:


Some additional functionality was added to the DBCC CLONEDATABASE command – it now supports Full-Text Search, and will force a flush of Query Store statistics so that you capture all of them in the clone.

Identity Caching

ALTER DATABASE SCOPED CONFIGURATION now supports an IDENTITY_CACHE option – setting this to OFF disables IDENTITY caching, which can help eliminate gaps due to events like failovers and restarts. This setting (which replace server-level trace flag 272) can have a performance impact, so you should definitely test how it affects your workload; also, remember that gaps in IDENTITY columns can still happen due to things like deletes and rollbacks.

Resumable online index rebuild (Enterprise only)

In SQL Server 2017 you can now spread your index rebuild operations across multiple maintenance windows, and gracefully recover from an interruption, such as a disconnection or failover. There are already two tips explaining this feature in detail: SQL Server 2017 Resumable Online Index Rebuilds and More on Resumable Index Rebuilds in SQL Server 2017.


Showplan, Query Store, and Statistics improvements

SQL Server 2017 introduces a handful of changes to the way queries and statistics are collected and displayed.

Adaptive query processing

This “feature” really is an umbrella over multiple changes to query processing that can occur during execution to improve performance (documented here):

Note that while the interleaved execution enhancement works on other editions, batch mode adaptive joins and memory grant feedback are Enterprise only.

Automatic tuning

This feature allows you to set SQL Server to observe query plan regressions and automatically force a better, previous plan. You can, of course, set it up to observe and manually make the changes yourself (using the new DMVsys.dm_db_tuning_recommendations). The feature is documented here, and Microsoft’s Jovan Popovic has blogged about it in great detail here, here, and here.

Under the covers

There are not really features, per se, but under-the-covers performance improvements you get for free:


There are several T-SQL enhancements offered up in this version:

Analytics and Data Science

SQL Server 2017 offers two main improvements here.

In-Memory OLTP

SQL Server’s story around memory-optimized tables keeps getting better. Enhancements in this release that bring it closer to being a first-class citizen:


Columnstore functionality also got some under-the-hood enhancements, but the more visible changes are online build/rebuild (Enterprise only) and that LOB columns are now supported.
